Milestones That Warm Our Hearts

Yesterday, Oreo, the garden kitty, achieved a major milestone in her little feral kitty life. Oreo curled up and laid down in a little ball of fur on my lap for an extended period of time and actually just let herself be stroked while she curled up and kneaded my lap! This morning, she did the same thing for almost a full 30 minutes. I was honored to have her completely bathe my fingers on both hands with her sweet little pink sandpaper tongue.

Being only 4-5 pounds, Oreo is diminutive in size and is very cautious and afraid of everything because of it. We had just moved here when she was born over 6 years ago, and she has led a solitary life away from all the other cats that she is related to that make up the feral colony that lives across the street where a kind neighbor is a steward over them with assistance from A.R.F. (Animal Rescue Foundation).

Over time Oreo came to adopt our garden, then our front porch, and finally us. It took about three years for us to be able to touch her. She now spends most of her days in our front and back gardens and her nights are spent on or around our very sheltered front porch (with a heated bed and heat lamp for chilly nights).

This week's events of her becoming a "lap kitty" have been very momentous for us and for Oreo. She has accomplished a lot, and we are very proud of her for being so brave and trusting us gargantuan human beings.

And on another wonderful note...

Holly over at 2 Kids and Tired awarded me this award, and I am very touched! “The award was created by The Little Aussie Cynic to honor those blogs with integrity..." and can be awarded in several different categories. Holly chose to award me in the category of "For Social Conscience" and says:
"For Social Conscience, Cindy because she strives to live in harmony with the world around her and shares herself and her insights with us all."
I am so touched that someone views me and this blog that way. It is an amazing honor! I try to do my part in being a good steward in this world and for the earth. I'm happy that it comes through in my writing.

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  1. Isn't it a great feeling when something "wild" accepts you! Our feral cat was the same way, and he now enjoys the attention and affection. It benefits both of us!

  2. Hooray for Oreo! I am very proud of her. She is very beautiful, too.

  3. What a neat day on several counts. I'm glad you accepted the award!

  4. How wonderful for both you and Oreo (love the name!) Congrats on your award!
    p.s. thanks for saying such nice things about my mosaic teacart!

  5. Wonderful rites of passage for you and kitty!

    And congrats on your award, Cindy. Your integrity and social conscience certainly do come across in your writing!

  6. What a sweet story and an adorable cat. I have a soft spot for cats. Catherine

  7. Good for you and Oreo both—doesn't it feel wonderful to be accepted by a wild thing like her? And congrats on your award.

  8. Cindy, congrats, and nice cat. Looks almost like the cat that comes over my place, lol. Anna :)

  9. Bravo on the award, Cindy, but even moreso, bravo on winning Oreo's heart. Cats KNOW integrity too...:-)

  10. Oh how wonderful that Oreo finally decided to become a lap kitty. What a momentous leap of fate for her and how happy you must be Cindy with this absolutely wonderful result.

    Congrats on winning this great Bloggers with Integrity award, well done you!

    Lots of purrrrrrrrs and kisses for Oreo from all of the Bliss team!

  11. That is wonderful that she is coming to trust you so much!


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