
Lucy's Fascination with Electronics

Little Lucy is a silly kitty. If we hadn't already had another kitty (Suzette) doing what she's doing, we'd think we had a seriously weird cat.

Lucy is absolutely fascinated with electronics!

When we insert a DVD in the DVD player, she comes running and jumps up on top of the television so she can stare at the whirring black box. What could it be?

When one of us goes to print out something from the computer, Lucy comes running as soon as she hears the printer warming up. She loves to sit on the printer and watch the paper come out. She doesn't try to catch the paper, she likes to watch it. It's pretty funny.

What isn't so funny is when she runs full tilt across my hands on the keyboard to get from Point A (the studio closet) to Point B (the top of the printer). Not fun.

I don't know if Lucy will outgrow this. Suzette never did. Suzette still has an obsession with the DVD player. Of course, now Lucy beats Suzette to the DVD player every time it turns on so Suzette's obsession is waning.

Ahhhh... never a dull moment around here.

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  1. Hia Cindy, oh my cats getting teckno! I can see myself being more obsolete than a cat soon. LOL

    Pretty girl!

  2. Cindy hi!

    What a beautiful and intelligent cat! I love cats!!!

    Great photos! Cats are NOT easy to photograph!

    Hugs Annie

  3. LOL! Funny cats....I love the intent look on her face!

  4. How funny, we had a manx that would come running every time the toilet was flushed. She liked to watch the water spin and go down. That was a seriously weird cat.

  5. How Funny! LOL
    We have had dogs but only one cat and she never did anything that.
    I hope your hands do not get too scratched! They sound so child like.
    Thanks for sharing a funny!

  6. Don't you just love the look on their faces, it is so reminicent of a kitten, even when they are older.
    Bootsie is facinated by the sound of the can of cat food being opened. That is pretty much his mingling with technology.

  7. Don't you just love the look on their faces, it is so reminicent of a kitten, even when they are older.
    Bootsie is facinated by the sound of the can of cat food being opened. That is pretty much his mingling with technology.

  8. The only thing more fun AND exasperating than an inquisitive child, is an inquisitive dog or cat!

    Lucy must be very intelligent to be so curious!

    Great photos, Cindy!

  9. Cindy, that's too cute! too cute! :)

    pd: Your blog’s title always evokes wonderful feelings in my... I guess why...


  10. Haha Rani does exactly the same thing!! Although Rani is daft enough to sit in front of the printer so that when it spits out the printed paper, it hits her in the face which she thinks gives her an excuse to bite and claw the paper!
    Rani does the DVD thing. Oh they are funny aren't they?! It's good to see Lucy doing well.

    By the way, those photos in the last post are absolutely stunning!!

    Hugs from Meg and cats xxx
    P.S. Don't count on her growing out of it:) Rani hasn't grown out of any of her habits (apart from climbing the walls but that's because she is too heavy to pull herself up!) Haha

  11. Cindy!

    I have something for you at Annalunda!

    :) Annie

  12. LOL, your Lucy is a bit of a handful at times, isn't she? I think it's the sound that attracts her. Cats are very sensitive to sound, the higher the better.

    When I want my cats to come I call them in a very high voice and it works a treat.

    My lovely Wendy used to go crazy when I whistled and she would try to pull my hair in an effort to get into my head. She also came running when I was cutting paper.

    BTW on YouTube there are many vids of cats and printers, too funny.


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