
Sharing is Free!

Despite the fact that the U.S. economy is really shaky right now, I've still been optimistically working on my Etsy store adding new inventory and revamping it so that it's centrally focused on my photography (my other art will be showcased elsewhere at a new Etsy storefront to be unveiled in the near future).

I realized as I was putting things up, that I wanted to share the new pieces with all of you. At first, I was hesitant because I didn't want to look like I was doing a marketing job in the middle of a week that could be financially scary for some of you. But then I thought, "Hey! Sharing is free!" So I decided to just go ahead and do some "show and tell".

I've rearranged the inventory on the Etsy store so that it is organized into seasonal color palettes for easier navigation. Here's some of the pieces in the section called "Russet Tones of Autumn"...

And then some from the section "Paler Pastels of Spring"...

The pieces in the section "Lush Shades of Summer" are vivid and saturated...

While the images in the section"Cool Hues of Winter" will be cool and subtle...

And finally, there's the first item, "Chinese Lanterns" that inaugurates the "Festive and Bright" section (which is a personal favorite)...

There's more even more there and I'm adding more each day bring the inventory up so holiday shoppers have a good selection. I love feedback, so comment away!

Rosehaven Cottage Photography Etsy store is located at

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  1. You really have a good eye for photography, Cindy.
    I'm a fan of Tahitian Sunset Rose.
    I also like the look of Tiny Daisies. The daisies are so bright and happy looking, and the grass is darker and mysterious. You know?

  2. Wow Cindy, those are great pics. I especially love the Dutch Iris, the colours are so vibrant! The Peach tulips look gorgeous! They would be great for a grower who wants to sell these tulips; totally irresistable the way you've captured them. :-)

  3. You should do a book, Cindy. I would love looking through a book of your photographs. They're just so beautiful.

  4. Wow! Heavenly Father blessed you with such an amazing gift!Thanks for sharing these gifts with us! I read this, this morning & wanted to share it with you! Our new DIL to be, mom also teaches early in the morning... this was on her blog.

    Proverbs 31
    10 Who can find a virtuous seminary teacher For her price is far above rubies, diamonds and gasoline

    15 She riseth also while it is yet night And prepareth a lesson with bloodshot eyes

    20 She stretcheth forth her hands to the class And in them she holdeth donuts

    21 She is not afraid of the snow (sun) For her class meeteth at her house

    23 Her husband sleepeth in the bed
    Whilst she sleepeth amongst the students

    26 She openeth her mouth with yawning And in her tongue is the law of scripture

    28 Her husband arise up, and call for breakfast also, and he buggeth her

    30 Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain But a woman that teacheth seminary,


    *early morning seminary teacher
    Enjoy your day! Beth

  5. Our new daughter is also the Gospel Doctrine Teacher every other week on the weekends she isn't on call. Her parents live in American Canyon.

    I love everyone of your sets of cards. They are are so beautiful!
    I too love the latterns, they are so bright. We had a son live in Japan for 2 years and it reminds me of his mission. Beth

  6. My favorite is Leader of the Pack! Great photos Cindy.

  7. Cindy, sharing is good. Best of luck with the etsy store.

  8. Those are really beautiful works of art Cindy! My personal fav is the purple dutch iris though. Welll it is such a wonderful shade of my fav colour!

  9. Autumn is my favorite time of year Cindy and you have definitely captured the season.

  10. Market away Cindy! I love viewing your photos :) I think my favourite is the leaves on the sidewalk. Autumn is my favourite time of year - like a second spring...only I dread the short days of winter.


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