
Delightful Surprises

Yesterday, Sept. 29th, was my 42nd birthday. I didn't tell anyone because I like low-key birthdays. Imagine my surprise when I received a package in the mail from Catherine Holman, a blogging friend and the folk artist at Pigment of Your Imagination. She didn't know it was my birthday, but her timing couldn't have been better if she'd planned it. Inside, I found a print of one of her paintings (it's one of my favorites) and an adorable handmade kitty card featuring another print of her work.

Cathie is amazingly talented. If you haven't been to her blog yet, you really need to go and just browse a while to enjoy the art she creates.

Thank you, again, Cathie for your wonderful serendipitous birthday gift! It brought such joy to my heart, and I'm still smiling.

Then today, I received another delightful surprise from Annie at Annalunda (a wonderfully romantic Swedish blog with gorgeous photos of roses and other wonderful scenes). I feel very honored to receive this award from Annie, because it is HER blog that inspires my romantic senses so often. And isn't this award just lovely to look at?

I am passing this award along to ALL of you! Each one of you inspires me in your own unique and specifically important way. At lunch yesterday with my mom, I was telling her how much I appreciate my blogging friends. Because of all of you, you have helped me feel connections that I haven't really had before. Each of you has helped me feel like less of a loner in this world--less like the odd one out. Each of you has brought me a sense of belonging. I've written before that Hubby has likened this phenomenon of the "blog-o-sphere" or "bloglandia" to a 21st century version of a Jane Austen village--a village that spans the globe and brings kindred souls together that otherwise would never have lived in close enough proximity to one another to become acquainted. Thank you to all of you for the gifts you give me everyday that have awakened my creativity after a very long dormancy and connected me with who I really am so that I can openly say, "I am a pink-obsessed, rose-sniffing, animal-loving, sledgehammer-toting, retro-spirited woman, that is a photographer, a gardener, an artist, a writer... and anything else I want to be." Thank you!!!!!

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  1. First...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    Second...I love Cathie's art. She is amazing. I have purchased two of her pieces. I envy you your special piece, because I know how wonderful they are!

    Third, I have about 20 Swedish blogs I follow...I love them all. Thank you for introducing me to another one!

  2. YOU are the one who inspires us Miss CINDY with your incredible Talents. I love hubby's descript of the phenomenon of the "blog-o-sphere" or "bloglandia:) The award is really beautiful!:)
    I hope you had a wonderful Birthday and the week just gets better and better.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

  3. YOU are the one who inspires us Miss CINDY with your incredible Talents. I love hubby's descript of the phenomenon of the "blog-o-sphere" or "bloglandia:)
    I hope you had a wonderful Birthday and the week just gets better and better.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday, Cindy! May you have many, many more! :)

  5. Cindy, Happy Happy Birthday!
    If we had known, we would have wished you the best birthday ever.
    Big hugs from all of us, and sweetie, YOU DO BELONG! And we DO get YOU. Keep that creative spirit soaring. Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday To You
    Happy Birthday Dear Cindy
    Happy Birthday To You!

    Yesterday was mine and my husband's 29th first kiss anniversary! I hope you enjoyed your special day, for you are so deserving.

    "Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog!"

    I love your place! :)

  7. Cindy you are AMAZING and I feel like a TWIT not knowing your HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! I am so excited I can blog stalk you now!!!
    Love you so much!

  8. Happy Birthday. I hope you had a wonderful day.

  9. I'm glad I was in the know on the birthday deal. I'm so glad you had a happy day. You are such an inspiration to me. How sad that we too often undervalue ourselves.
    Love you lots,

  10. Happy Birthday! You are five days behind me! (Well, five days and six years!) Hope you are still celebrating.

    I think you've done amazing things with your blog in the time that I've been reading it. And I agree about how important these blogging connections become. Blogs give us a way to "travel" and make friends without leaving our desks. Given the economic funk we may be facing in the coming months and years, I really appreciate that!

  11. Belated Happy Birthday Cindy!!!! I hope you had a wonderful day. Love the prints, they are gorgeous. And the timing wasn't bad either. ;-)

    Congrats on the award (so pretty) it's well deserved. Now I must check out Annalunda as you've made me very curious.

    I smiled when I read that bit about bloglandia being the 21st century version of a Jane Austen village, I think your hubby was right on the mark there.

    And I loved the way you've described yourself, that is truly wonderful Cindy. Rock on, girl!

  12. Cindy,
    Happy, happy, birthday! I'm so glad this arrived on your special day. I'm truly honored to be your bloglandia friend! Thanks for sharing Annalunda's blog with us.

  13. Happy Birthday Cindy!

    I like the prints and congrats on the lovely award. :)

  14. Happy belated birthday Cindy! I hope you have a truely inspiring wonderful day. I love the rose pic too. Reading a David Austin rose catalogue has got to be therapy. :-)

    I love the way your hubby put it- that we are a kind of village. I think my house is the messy one somewhere near the end of the village. :-)

  15. Happy birthday Cindy; my birthday is also the 29th of September; I was 69. I hope you have a very happy and healthy year. Good gardening. T.
    (I was picking and looking at blog posts.)

  16. Amen to that (!) and Happy Belated Birthday! I feel the same way about my blogger family, of which you are one. Big Hug.


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