
First daffodils of 2010

First daffodil
Except for a slight crop and exposure adjustment, this shot is SOOC (straight out of the camera)

February is the month when we can expect daffodils to be in bloom, and just like clockwork the daffodils are brightening up the garden right now.

There was a break rain today, so I took the opportunity to go out and trudge around the garden with my camera to see what I could find that was pretty and worth photographing. Even though things look pretty boring from a distance, I found that if I looked up close I could find quite a few little pretties. Isn't that just like life...


  1. Daffs in February...I can only dream. I'll be happy if they show up in May.

    Christine in Alaska

  2. Beautiful! I saw a bit of green poking up from the ground today but we are a long way from flowers yet.

    That is one of the things I miss about Alabama, you could pretty much expect daffodils to be blooming in February.

  3. Lucky you! And us, to get to see that photo. Is it 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation'?

  4. Pretty daffodils. Mine have not made it yet.


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