
Winter strawberry leaves

Winter strawberry leaves
This shot is SOOC (straight out of the camera) except for the crop

One of the things I love about strawberry plants is when the leaves turn red because of the frosty nights. This year, mine are bi-colored with red AND green leaves together!

My strawberry plants grow in pots by the edge of the pond where the recirculating water pours back into the pond over small piles of rocks. I've tried the strawberry plants in various locations in the garden and this is the only one they really like. I guess they like the somewhat moist air that rises from the pond in that full-sun location.

I think our new deck is providing more shelter for the plants than in years past because the frost hasn't crisped the strawberry leaves. An extra bonus, I'd say.


  1. I am a big fan of those multi colored leaves also. They look so winterish.


  2. What a gorgeous view! And to think you're seeing that delightful sight already! No sign of strawberries here yet..... but we'll look forward to California's bounty a few weeks from now!

    (Aren't we blessed that we can enjoy the fruit of your countrymen's labour here in Canada!)

    Happy Day, Brenda

  3. How beautiful. I did not know that strawberry leaves turned colour too.

  4. Strawberries and strawberry plants just make me happy! There is no other way to put it...they are happy little perky plants that give us the best fruit ever: lovely juicy straberries :) Here they just come in plastic boxes at this time of year :(

  5. Cindy boy you brought some good old strawberry memories. Thanks for sharing, nice photo as always. Anna :)


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