
The color of January

Little purple pansy

Red and green are the colors of Christmas. Black and orange are the colors of Halloween. Red and pink are the colors of February with Valentine's Day. And for us in the U.S.A., red, white and blue are the colors of July with July 4th being Independence Day.

Because I'm an artist, I find myself assigning colors to all the seasons and holidays that are celebrated throughout the year. Somewhere in my childhood, I decided that periwinkle was the color of January. I don't know why. I just did. And it stuck.

Like many children that grew up pawing through the large assortment box of Crayola crayons (a luxury item back then), I came to know certain colors by the names assigned by Crayola like "Cornflower Blue", "Salmon Pink", and "Orchid Purple". Crayola has changed many of the names since I was a small, but I still remember the names. So that's why the name "Periwinkle" always come to mind to describe the color of January. It's not really blue and it's not really purple. It's periwinkle.

Interestingly enough, I have an unconscious tendency to dress in the colors that I've mentally assigned to seasons of the year. So when January rolls around, all my periwinkle sweaters get worn a lot more than usual.

What color is January to you?


  1. I'm smitten. I LOVE pansies and yours looks quite pretty.

    Hope you are off to a great start in 2010. Here's wishing you many days of sunshine and brightness in every nook and cranny of your life!

    Hugs, Brenda

  2. I love your color in the winter months! Happy New Year!

  3. I love this color! Thank you for the reminder about the Crayola crayon color names, that is very nostalgic to me. I can smell them!!
    By coincidence (I think not) I have on a periwinkle shirt today!

  4. Happy new year Cindy. I love your choice of periwinkle for January.

  5. Yes very apt colour and choice of flower for January

  6. Periwinkle is one of my favourite colours - so hard to nail down, yet so beautiful.

    If I think of the weather we normally experience, then January would be gray. Other than that, I'm not sure I've really thought of the seasons in this way.

  7. Periwinkle is the perfect choice of color for January. I like your idea of a color for each month. I don't think I have a true periwinkle sweater but I sure would like one. Think I'm going to have to get me one :)
    Wishing you a very happy New Year, Cindy!

  8. Periwinkle, my favorite color, I [heart] periwinkle. And if I had my way, we would have a periwinkle house, and a periwinkle bedroom, and maybe Bootsie would have a periwinkle cat food dish.

    Great shot, I am feeling very funky today, maybe a bit periwinkle.


  9. Periwinkle is so much better than how I picture January. I think WHITE because of the snow. And the snow doesn't make me very happy but periwinkle does so I'm officially changing my January color thoughts.

  10. Cindy this is very interesting post, but I hate to say that my colors of the January are very white, and grey, lol. Happy New Year my friend. Anna :)

  11. Blue is the color of my January. A clear winter sky blue. Or any color except red or green!

  12. I agree that blue is definitely the most appropriate colour for January. And that particular shade of periwinkle suits just fine. Blue envelops January like no other colour. :)


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