
Almost like being there

My yen for Hawaii is an annual occurrence that happens every January. I don't bother to try to hide it. This year we have been socked in with January skies of fog and clouds that don't let the sun shine through. If I can't drive to another part of the Bay Area where the sun is shining (like I did last week), I usually have to be content with looking at the photos from our last trip to Hawaii.

But this year, it's been different thanks to a sweet bride that asked me to do her flowers for her Hawaiian tropical themed wedding this past weekend. Since last Thursday, I have been surrounded by exotic blooms of every kind in amazingly sunny gorgeous colors. I've been in my own little tropical paradise, and it's been wonderful!

There's nothing like being up to your chin in orchids, birds of paradise, Asiatic lilies, ti leaves, heliconia, ginger, and palm fronds. It definitely chased away the need to buy the next plane ticket to the islands. Well... at least for the time being...


  1. Cindy,
    What a treat! These are beautiful! I absolutely love these arrangements!

  2. You're amazing!!!!!!!

  3. Wow Cindy, you sure know how to do gorgeous flower arrangements for a tropical themed wedding. Stunning!

    Here I am yearning for sunshine too but no, mostly fog and clouds today and nippy, minus 3 C.

  4. Aloha!

    Those are outstanding arrangements. I'm especially impressed with the Guestbook Table arrangement. Very creative.

  5. Ooh! I REMEMBER some of those....they're so lovely with their wild exotic-ness. Thank you for taking me back--I loved loved loved Hawaii!


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