
Winter is almost over...

On a walk along our street today, I came across a neighbor's beautiful pyracantha bushes that are more like trees than bushes. As you can see, many of the trees around here are still leafless as they should be in winter. Although I have beautiful spring bulbs blooming in the sheltered areas of my garden, the rest of the area has yet to wake up from winter. In the meantime, the beautiful red berries and the lines of the branches are just as pretty to me.


  1. I l♥ve the pictures you post! Thanks for being such a sweet friend!

  2. I believe that's what we commonly call "Fire Thorns"? They're very pretty in bloom, too. I love anything that hangs onto colour for the winter!

  3. Yes, pretty indeed. I love the small round flower/ fruit?

  4. Yummy photo... I love the colors and textures. Very nice.

  5. I loved your title... winter is almost over...... glad to hear it for you! We're still experiencing deep freeze this week, but as the days are getting longer, I know it won't be long!

    Enjoyed your berry photo.

  6. Yes, the deciduous trees are just starting to wake up and it's so pretty, isn't it?

  7. Cindy, did we ever wake up to a surprise from old man winter this morning. Everything was white, and very cold. All the flowers frozen, all the nursery stock stiff.



  8. Lovely picture, the red against the blue of the sky is so gorgeous.

  9. No end to winter in sight for me yet, and the weather is giving rain for this weekend, which is scary with all the snow we've got down. But I have spring in my heart because of posts like this and friends like you!

  10. I tried taking some berry shots in the wood but the background focused instead! Well done for getting this shot. :-)

    There are more stirrings of long awaited Spring in the garden -the flowering currant is in bud! I am looking forward to it's pale pink flowers now.

  11. I'm glad that winter is almost over somewhere! In Boston, it's supposed to be unseasonably warm today, then there's snow and sleet in the forecast from tomorrow night through Monday. I certainly will be delighted when spring finally arrives, although it's usually later here rather than sooner. Still, it's fun to read of better weather elsewhere. Yay for spring bulbs blooming!

  12. A pyra-what? I'm amazed by people, such as yourself, who know all the latin names of plants. Mother Nature has a way of sprucing up even the most mundane things, doesn't she? Very pretty.

  13. I am so ready for spring too. I have a crabapple tree just outside my front window that has red fruits all winter and is filled with birds. My Heucheras have all survived and are still evergreen. My bulbs are coming up.

    Spring is coming! I am so excited for March to begin. It gives me such hope every year (then dashes it with bad weather but hey, it DOES mean Spring is coming).


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