
Daffodil Surprises and Permanent Periwinkle

Just in the past couple of days, the bulbs that I planted a couple of years ago (which have produced lots of green foliage but never bloomed) have started blooming! I'm thrilled to say the least! Except I thought they were narcissus or paperwhites. Turns out... they're daffodils!

For the first time, I have a pretty little row of daffodils going down the walk in the front garden. The yellow blooms look so sunny against the backdrop of the blue and pink hyacinths. I normally don't get to enjoy daffodils in the spring like everyone else because the only ones I thought I had in my garden are in a sheltered area that causes them to bloom either on or just after Christmas. March is daffodil month around here, and I always felt a bit sad that mine had already come and gone months before. With March only a few days away, it's nice to have daffodils that are on schedule finally. So I don't mind that they aren't paperwhites.

One flower that is always on schedule in our garden is the lovely periwinkle (or vinca major). This vinca has been in the garden since we moved in and is almost impossible to kill. By May, it can be pretty invasive if I don't get tough with it. But right as we move out of winter, the cold has put the vinca back in control, and we are friends. I love the blue star blossoms it produces every spring... which is why I don't wage complete war on it in May and just remove it. I'm a softy.


  1. This is wonderful photography. I can't wait till my spring bulbs start popping up. Thank you for sharing!

  2. That's the trouble with plants--they get bigger than we want them to. Why can't they just stay perfect all the time? sigh . .

  3. I like vinca major AND minor and see them everywhere in the ground cover areas in my neighborhood. I'm so glad your daffs are blooming!

  4. Oh.... what lovely harbingers of spring! Such a pleasure to see!

  5. What a fun, pretty surprise! My leaves are up, but I'm glad they aren't blooming yet, as it is snowing right now.

  6. Congratulations on the daffodil blooms. Don't they just make you happy?

  7. Yay for the Daffodils! Such sure signs of spring each year. I love Vinca Major too, but I limit it to containers where I can keep it's traveling ways in check.

  8. Beautiful! I can't wait for the bulbs to start blooming. I used to have a ton of daffs and tulips but they've died out a little over the years. I need to plant a whole bunch more.

    One of the most beautiful sights I've ever seen is the acres of blooms at the Wooden Shoe Bulb Company's annual Tulip Festival in Woodburn Oregon. Acres and acres of bulbs- you'd love it!

  9. How funny, I was out taking photos of our daffodils just 30 minutes ago. They are truly gorgeous flowers. A sure sign that spring is on the way.

  10. Daffodil is my favorite and I kept finding pictures of them all around. How I wish I have them in my garden. Strange that there's no daffodils in Malaysia.

  11. A colorful feast for my winter white eyes :)

  12. I just noticed a few daffodils just peeking through the soil. I can't wait to see them!

  13. Ah, I didn't know that as a vinca major. My gardening days are too far in the past, these years. Life just keeps taking over...

    Beautiful blooms, Cindy! I bet your property is looking gorgeous, already!

  14. Pretty flowers, my dear. I love daffodils. I think spring is on its way!

  15. I am a big fan of vincas as ground coverers. Their flowers are so perfect and the white ones sum up purity to me. I once did a leaded stained glass of one to go with a detail on a Victorian range.

    Happy St David's Day- patron saint of Wales. On this day boys wear a felt leek and traditional costume, and the girls a daffodil and traditional costume.


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