
What Kind of Pumpkin Are You?

Repost of photo essay by me (Cindy Iverson) from Halloween 2007

What Kind of Pumpkin Are You?

Are you the kind of pumpkin that prefers to just blend in with the crowd
and not draw attention to yourself?

That's okay. There is beauty in harmony and unity.

Are you the type of pumpkin that forges ahead with charisma and grace
for others to follow your positive example?

That's okay. There is beauty in the pioneering spirit of a leader.

Are you the type of pumpkin that draws the attention of others
in a social setting and is the "life of the party"?

That's okay. There is beauty in vivacity and good humor.

Are you a pumpkin that is surrounded all day by little ones
and feel like you go for days without adult contact?

That's okay. There is beauty in the sacrifices you make everyday
to mold and shape the next generation.

Are you a pumpkin that is unique and different?

That's okay. There is beauty in diversity, individuality, and uniqueness.

Regardless, of what kind of pumpkin you are
there is beauty within you that is treasured by others.
Look in the mirror today and say,
"I am happy to be the pumpkin that I am!"

Happy Halloween!!!


  1. What a thought provoking post for Halloween!

  2. Happy Halloween Cindy!

    I love this post...I know which is me, which Beth and which is Mum!

    Hope you have a great Halloween! Hugs from Meg and cats xxx

  3. That's so sweet, Cindy! I love the pumpkin photos!

    Many thanks for your comments about my fave five. I love my family!

  4. There are quite a few Halloween posts today but this puts all of them to shame by far! Thank you for the thoughtful post. I am contemplating which pumpkin that I am...and that's okay.

  5. That was very creative, insightful, and uplifting. I like it! I think I can be all of those on any given day. It's not good to be predictable. ;o)

  6. Nice analogy! I really enjoyed it:)

    Cindy, the da berg blog on my blog list posted a wonderful post about a Trick or Treat anology you might be interested in as it was really good. She is an institute teacher in California.

    Hope you had a Happy Halloween!

  7. Cindy what a wonderful post!!! You asked, 'Are you the kind of pumpkin that prefers to just blend in with the crowd
    and not draw attention to yourself? YES YES AND YES.

    Great photos, Anna :)

  8. Great post, though in Australia the blue-grey skinned pumpkins are the norm (apart from Butternuts). I had never seen those round, orange pumpkins till I started reading American blogs. And we eat our pumpkins as a vegetable, not usually in cakes or pies. I guess we really are upside-down in the land down under!


  9. Brilliant! I am very happy to be the pumpkin that I am! Smiling broadly in the UK -


  10. Very creative post, Cindy, and the photos are just perfect with your words. I guess I'm a "mixed" or "hybrid" pumpkin.

    Your page looks great, and it's good to be here for a visit!

  11. I am definitely the irate/disgruntled pumpkin surrounded by all the little ones. But thanks for making me feel better about it!

  12. What a great post!!! I love it!
    Thanks for coming to visit.... I am going to go look around your blog now! I love new friends!

  13. I'm not sure which one I am but it's a cute post! Happy Halloween!

  14. Beautiful pumpkins! Those grey/white ones are so unusual and beautiful. Is there a pumpkin that has so much to do and little inclination? LOL

  15. I love your creativity and your connection with all growing things.

  16. Aw, good!

    I'm the first pumpkin!

  17. What a creative take on Halloween and pumpkins. Love it! :)
    I hope your Hallows eve was warmer than ours over here in upstate NY!
    The little kiddies must've had frosty toes.
    I popped over from Kylee's 'Little Acre' and have enjoyed your blog. Beautiful photos, and lucky you to have a winter garden!

  18. Cindy, what a great post! It was good for a smile and food for thought too. Hope you had a great Halloween!

  19. I love it! It made me smile! A wonderful way to celebrate everyones unique beauty.


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