
New Online Flickr Portfolio

I wanted to let everyone know that I've just started a new online photography portfolio at Flickr. In addition to the free stuff that I already had there, I've now uploaded my favorite copyrighted images so that anyone can look through them without having to go through my online image licensing or Etsy interface.

Just a note, if you see an image that you'd like to use on your blog please ask me. In most cases, I will happily let you use the image for free.

Here's a fun mosaic of the images found in Flowers & Plants:


  1. They are so beautiful! I don't know how to use even a smidgen of what you young people do with the computer and photography. I KNOW I LOVE looking at your photos though and they bring me joy!
    I have decided, I am going to learn after our wedding, how to make a mosiac and figure out flicker:) lol

    Seriously Cindy, you bring much joy and happiness to my computer screen. The pictures are gorgeous to look at.


  2. Just discovered your blog...have 'seen' you around etsy though and enjoy your photography. Gardening affords so many opportunities for good photos! Good luck with your winter garden,

  3. I love Flickr...I have it on my side bar too. You have such beautiful photos.

  4. I'll be checking out your new portfolio, Cindy, after I find my way around Flickr! I haven't been there for a while and need to do some housekeeping, I think. :)

  5. Hey, thanks so much for leaving a comment on my photography blog! It's great to get compliments, especially from other photographers!

  6. Love the mosaic, very well done. And it's great that you've started a new online portfolio at Flickr.

    Happy snapping!

  7. They are so beautiful Cindy. Number 9 especially so. I may be a closet romantic. :-)

  8. Your photos are just beautiful Cindy! Good luck!

  9. Cindy your flower mosaic is beautiful. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for adding names, as I very little knowledge of flowers. Anna :)


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