
Whispers Between Hollyhocks

When hollyhocks whisper amongst themselves,
What is it that they say?

Do they discuss the unfurling of a Blue Ribbon rose...

Or the Irish Cream's new bloom for the day?

Do they talk of the mums warm autumn tones
growing small and demure at their feet?

Are they chatting of ripening strawberries,
blushing red in the summer's heat?

Or do they whisper of hollyhock things--
Things that I just don't see?
How I wish I could speak "hollyhock"
So the hollyhocks would whisper to me.

Original poem by Cindy Iverson
All rights reserved.
May not be used or reproduced without written consent of author.

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  1. What a sweet little tale you wove with these pictures! I just love the hollyhocks- they really do look as though they are sharing some secrets. Very sweet indeed.

  2. Alas, we'll never know the secrets they whisper. :) Beautiful blooms and the poem was a nice touch.

  3. Maybe if we stand real still and quiet, we might be able to find out what they are saying.

  4. Cindy, that was lovely, gorgeous photography. I love hollyhocks, another plant that doesn't seem to grow too well here.


  5. Beautiful post---and in my garden they are talking about being glad they don't have to be down there with the weeds.

  6. The little hollyhock-tale is so sweet...and I´m glad I found your beautiful blog. The hollyhocks whisper also here in Sweden :)
    Lovely pictures!

    ~ Annie

  7. Such a lovely post Cindy. I once named a Russian Blue kitten Holly Hock and he wispered sweet nothings in my ear. ;-) Perhaps the real hollyhocks do the same?

  8. what a lovely poem and the pictures are great. i especially love the purple rose and the ripening strawberries!
    i agree with jane marie just sit and listen i think you will hear something!

  9. I love the photos, I love the poem... very nice.

  10. How special! I love the little white hollyhocks whispering to each other. Your poetry is inspiring and so well illustrated with your lovely photos. I know what song you were singing at the time you took the pictures, too.

  11. Wow I love that blue rose. I once grew "Blue Moon" but it wasn't very good with disease or blooming. :-( I've always liked blue roses though with a front planting of lavender. My idea of heaven would be to add a jasmine and honeysuckle to climb at the back of the bed.

    Lovely photographs.


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