
Around the Garden...

There are many things happening around the garden...

An "Irish Cream" rosebud begins to open its caramel-dipped petals.

Like the round cheeks of a freckled schoolgirl,
the pomegranates blush.
"Autumn isn't so far away," they say.

Nature has placed the sun on a stem--
brightening the garden,
making it glow.

The teacup blossoms of the "Angel Face" rose
seem to be set out for a garden tea party...

And the tea party guests sometimes have a difficult time remaining cordial
as they gather for the affair.

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  1. I love the color of the Irish Creme
    rosebud and have never seen an pomegranate bush. You certainly are not only talented with your beautiful photography but also with the are of prose in which you tell a story. i am glad I found your blog!

  2. WoW...I simply love your fruit & flower photos....the blossoms look so beautiful...lovely shots & the descriptions...Wonderful!

  3. What lovely photos and words to go with them. Love looking at all you photos what and eye for a simple flower great shots.

    Have a great week.


  4. That Irish Cream is a striking color. You just keep giving me "Rose Envy" with your beautiful blooms. I loved the shot of the pomergranites. I haven't seen them growing like that since I was a kid growing up in Phoenix, AZ. We had a tree that grew in the alley behind our house. My brother & I use to pick them, so good! Sticky! lol

  5. Such wonderful photos. I think Irish Cream is the best name for a rose that I've ever heard :)

  6. Such beautiful pictures- one could get lost in them. And that has got to be the most perfect looking pomegranate I have ever seen.

  7. What a beautiful uplifting post....The photograhps are absolute favourite is the pomegranate....looking so autumnal.....your prose went straight to my heart and gave me an instant life....for that I thank you.....

  8. You have pomegranates?

    Um, wow!

  9. They all look wonderful. It is so peaceful to grow roses for both the body and spirit.

  10. What a lovely shot of Angel Face, one of my very favorite roses!

  11. Hi Cindy I'm catching up with you in the proper order while the children are still asleep before ripping carpets out etc.

    That rose is gorgeous- I can almost smell it. beautiful photographs.


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