

On Monday morning my mom, Hubby, Chica, and I piled into my mom's Jeep to make the 3 1/2 hour trek north into the northern forests of California. There in a small tranquil valley named Indian Valley is the small town of Greenville. It's the town where my mom and her sisters grew up (the youngest was born there). It's the town where they all graduated from high school. It's the town where my Grammy served as a postal carrier for Indian Valley. And it's the town where my Grammy and Grampy's mortal coils are buried in Greenville Cemetery.

Why were we making this weekday trek to Greenville?

Both my mother and I are avid family history researchers, and in my mother's latest online research at USGenWeb she discovered that no one had transcribed the headstones and monuments of Greenville Cemetery although a lot of the other cemeteries in Plumas County have transcriptions available online. After contacting the USGenWeb coordinator for the county, my mother volunteered to take on the task. Hubby and I were her recruits to assist her in the task of writing down all the vital information on every headstone and grave in the cemetery. The three of us systematically spread out over the cemetery, and after a day and a half, we had completed the job.

The work of transcription in this cemetery was quiet work filled with the beauties of nature. The cemetery is spread across a hill under the sheltering limbs of beautiful evergreens and large decidous trees. The sun filters through the branches onto the cool green grass that surrounds the dignified headstones and monuments while summer bugs flit about on the cool mountain breezes. Robins, jays, juncos and other birds summering over in the mountains hunt for insects in the grass after it has been watered. Grey squirrels chase each other up and down the massive trunks that stand as pillars over the hill. One would not expect to find such beauty in a cemetery.

During our time there, I took the time to shoot some photographs to capture the essence of the tranquility and natural beauty that exist there. It is a very fitting setting for so many loved ones that are now at rest--many loved ones whom we knew and loved personally.

The older stone edifaces had such wonderful texture. The craftsmanship that went into decorating each monument was evident. Many over a hundred years old, were aged with moss. I couldn't help but see the beauty.

Fresh flowers, many probably cut from the town gardens in the valley below, graced numerous graves. Most of the cut lilac blooms had long since wilted, but the stalwart bearded iris blossoms continued to show their beauty. So many fresh flowers baskets and vases were throughout the cemetery, even on the oldest graves. Someone remembers them. And hopefully, after our transcriptions are added to the USGenWeb databases, many more will remember them again.


  1. Thanks for the serene post, the carvings and flowers. Cemeteries don't depress me; I have always liked to look at the headstones and read the inscriptions. There is an old cemetery in the middle of Los Angeles, near the intersection of Washington and Vermont Aves. When I lived in that neighborhood, I would walk the perimeter of the cemetery and try to read the headstones.

  2. What a beautiful post about my favorite place! I love the little Greenville Cemetery. When my folks first moved to Greenville Mom looked across the valley and saw the most beautiful park! I spent many quiet moment there. It always had such a good feeling: peaceful, quiet, calm, safe.
    Love you,

  3. Lovely!! I found your site, while surfing on another one! Your photos are beautiful, I love your flowers! I will be checking back, great page! Gotta go check your "older Posts for more photos!! and Posts!! Nice to meet you!

  4. Great post. What a wonderful project. We have wandered through cemeteries locally looking for old roses.

  5. place looks very peaceful and beautiful. i and my mother are my family's history researchers. my mom started this family tree and it gets bigger each year. =)

  6. That is a beautiful thing your family has done. Great post!

  7. Geneology work and flower pictures from a cemetery. That reminds me that I have to visit my moms grave to get her date of death. I need to give her name to our new temple in Copenhagen as part of my own start of my geneology work.

  8. my mom and grandma were avid genealogy gals. They did this when they went to Wyoming when I was young. They rubbed all their family headstones onto big sheets of paper and brought them home so they wouldn't miss any details. The headstones were so pretty back then!!


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