
Bees and Lavender Blossoms

I only have one surviving lavender bush (at one time I had three). I almost lost this one too due to a very rude fennel that was its neighbor (fennel isn't good at maintaining "personal boundaries"). I cut out the fennel and then trimmed the pathetic sun-starved lavender back severely with the hope that it would come back.

Well, it loved the haircut it got and has thanked me with a profusion of lovely blue blossoms. This round little orb of a bush has been a favorite of the bees since it started to bloom a couple of weeks ago.

I went out a couple of days ago to look at it and all the buzzing activity going on. In less than five minutes, I saw two different kinds of bumblebees and also honeybees climbing around on the blue blossoms! It seemed so magical and serene, I ran inside and got my camera to try and capture the moment.

As I took these photographs, I couldn't help but think of Penny over at Lavender Hill Studio. If you go take a peek at her blog (and website), I think you'll see why. So these photos of this year's lavender bloom are dedicated to Penny.

Too bad no one has invented smell-a-vision for the internet, huh?

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  1. Hi Cindy!
    Thank you for dedicating your Bees and Lavender Blossoms post to me! I am so glad you were able to save this pretty plant :-)!!

    I lost a couple of mine last year, because they were in a low area that keep their little roots wet, and lavender does not like wet feet!

    Great pictures....

  2. There's nothing like the smell of lavender in the garden. I'm down to two plants and I had about 8 at one time. I think they just get old. I give mine haircuts too. They like that a lot.

  3. All is well when the lavender is in bloom. Still a few weeks to wait here in The Blue Garden.

  4. Enjoyed your photos - I've always wanted to grow Lavender!

  5. It certainly is that time of year..I have had a few bees in the house already. Love the lavender!

  6. Yes indeed, we need a scratch and sniff feature on our pc's. ;-) Lavender is a bee magnet. My lavender will be in flower soon and the bees will be there in their droves when that happens.

    Hope your pc gets well soon!

  7. Lavender and roses are my favorite flowers, probably because I love the fragrances. I guess I should have been a bee.

  8. Ooo smellavision! Wonderful idea. My garden is full of things like jasmine, honeysuckle, lavender, roses, and mock orange. I could do with bagging the air now and letting it out in the house on those cold drizzly days in Winter. Soul food.


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