
A Touch of Springtime in February

Ever since my family moved back to the state of California during the month of February when I was 10 years old after living in the state of Colorado for over 7 years, I've equated the month of February with sunshine, new life, and the sunny cheer of daffodils and narcissus blossoms.

The year was 1977, and it happened to be a drought year so the weather was unseasonably warm. But I had just been in a snowy and cold Colorado climate and been moved into the wonderful sunny climate of the San Francisco Bay Area with ice plant in bloom in people's front yards and spring bulbs blossoming all over. My first day of school in California happened to be on Valentine's Day. I remember it well.

Now that I'm an adult, I always look forward to the month of February. It's the milestone I look forward to as being the time when the sun will emerge more often than not, the daffodils will be out, and the hyacinths, crocus, tulips, and other bulbs won't be far behind. There are many areas on freeway embankments where volunteers have planted fields of daffodils for motorists to enjoy. These embankments will soon be glowing with daffodils.

February is also the month when the almond trees bloom. As I was out driving along the highway last week, I made my first sighting of the year of an almond tree in bloom with its pale pink blossoms. Spotting the first almond tree in bloom is always a milestone for me (and my mother).

Now I know that the ornamental pear trees with their snowy white blossoms won't be far behind. It's often a neck and neck race to see which we'll spot first--the ornamental pears or the almonds.

Yes, it is beginning to look a lot like spring in the Bay Area.

Our daffodil crop wasn't as prolific this year (probably because its time to dig and divide) but I was able to cut some for the vase on the mantle. There is a lone narcissus volunteer that sprung up in the back garden. I cut it as well and brought it in. The heady fragrance of the narcissus is a perfect complement to the subtle clean aroma of the daffodils. It's a little spot of springtime right on the mantle both for the eyes and the nose!

All photographs featured here can be made available as unframed or framed prints, high-quality posters,
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  1. Sigh... We got three inches of new snow last night... If you get to Livermore when Boot Hill is in bloom, will you take a picture for me?

  2. Yeah...we got snow and today/tonight there's a cold nor'east wind hitting the side of the house where the office is. So I retreated to the kitchen with the woodstove, Simon Q on my shoulder (he thinks he belongs there) and the chocolate chips not far away. The only daffs I'll see for a while yet are in stores...or on blogs. Oh well.

  3. I love daffodils!..When I see them I know Spring is on the way and Easter too. Have you been to Daffodil Hill up by Volcanno? It is a beautiful spot, I think you woukd enjoy seeing it. It would make for a long day trip..but worth it.

    Congratulation on your award, you are most deserving. Linda

  4. Hi Cindy, Oh spring flowers..thanks for sharing your photographs~another enjoyable visit.


  5. Hi Cindy - how fun to catch up with you and see all of your lovely photos. Daffodils blooming??? I love it! Mine won't even send up shoots until the end of March or later! So keep those photos coming!!!! I am seriously ready for spring - can't wait to get out and play in the dirt again!

  6. Daffodils mean the end of winter to me too. You have reminded me to plant some in my garden this autumn; I always forget.


  7. Those daffodils are so pretty...we are still full on winter here in WA...and lots of cold rain.

  8. Gorgeous! And a perfect example of why I just gave you an award on my blog. :)

  9. Daffodils are my favorite rite of spring. It is almost here in Tennessee as well. Yea! Thanks for the peek of the beginning of warm days and lovely flowers.

    Frances at Faire Garden

    hope this doesn't post twice, there seems to be a problem

  10. Those daffodils are beautiful:) Ours aren't due for a few weeks yet but with the rollercoaster of weather we have been having, who knows when they will blossom?! I love daffodils too. Daffodils, lambs and birds nesting all let me know it is Spring. It's a wonderful time of year for its own specialities.
    Hope Spring blossoms well for you and the family! :) From Meg and the cats xxx

  11. Cindy Lovely site and love the kitties(:) bless you ........''I love those animals''...and I'll add you to my favorites..Patty

  12. I can't wait for my daffodils to bloom!! I guess in another month.. So sad about Pres. Hinckley!!! He was like a grandpa to me..

  13. Hi Cindy ~~~~
    Oh thanks for your great tips (:)..The plastic round wash tub I use may be to small ,but it is clean .. I agree that putting it into the offending area may work.The weather has been nicer lately too so hopefully they will do the deed outside(:)
    ~~thanks again and so nice to meet you too.Your photography is beautiful!!!~~

  14. Such beautiful photos of spring flowers! I'm counting the weeks, days, hours until things start to blossom around here.

  15. Beautifully captured shots of the flowers...lovely!

  16. in New delhi(India)..february is the time of blossom.....the weather is neither too hot nor too cold..the flowers blossom out..the trees revel in thier greenery...there's a nip in the which you can enjoy!!...your lovely pics and writeup makes me think that sometimes even climaten weather repeats itself!! faraway lands......

  17. Flowers worth photographing, Cindy they are beautiful and perfect. Anna :)


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