
Feeling the Valentine Spirit

Thanks to Catherine Holman the folk artist at Pigment of Your Imagination, I'm feeling in very Valentine-y mood! She just awarded the Rosehaven Cottage blog with the Spread the Love Award!

Thank you so much, Catherine. Your award came just at the right time to lift my spirits, as I've been having to deal with my health issues in a big way lately. The sunny day yesterday and today coupled with this lovely award are just what I needed.

The Spread the Love Award originated from Mica at Garb-oodles Soup with the Mica's purpose being, "I have met so many lovely and very talented ladies here in Blogdom, what more can I do or say to express my humbled heart to each, than to give all my Dearest Readers and Friends a special award filled with Love. So, Spread The Love dear ones, Spread The Love to those you love. Except my award in which I have specially designed and share it with others. Enjoy the day."

I feel the same as Mica. I've met so many wonderful friends that have lifted me and strengthened me through my associations with them through blogging. I am passing on this award to:

Jodi at bloomingwriter for being such a ray of sunshine.
Kylee at Our Little Acre for her sense of humor that always brings a smile to my face.
Yolanda and the entire Bliss Team who have given me joy from the Bliss blog as well as important support and expertise with little Lucy.
Holly at 2 Kids and Tired for being the best Scrabulous competitor EVER!

A big hug to all these ladies for what they've done for me without really knowing it! And also a big hug to everyone else (too countless to list) that lift me, make me smile, and bring a bright spot to my day!

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  1. Awww, Cindy, you're so sweet! I've enjoyed your comments that you leave and of course, you know I love your blog. It's YOU that are the ray of sunshine beaming across the country to here in Ohio where it's cold and dreary. Thank you!

  2. Cindy,

    That is an award you truly deserve! I hope your health issues are resolved soon.

  3. Cindy, I'll keep you in my prayers because we in blogland and your family and friends need you healthy!

  4. You definitely deserved this and I thank you for passing it on!

  5. Congratulations on receiving the award Cindy. It's so richly deserved! Love the sentiment behind it.

    I hope your health issues are resolved soon Cindy!!!!

    The Bliss Team and I are honoured to receive this award from you!It's always a pleasure visiting your blog.

    Lots of purrrrrrrrrs from the Bliss team to all the kitties at Rosehaven Cottage!

  6. Dear Cindy,

    I have tagged you for the "Archive Meme". You can find out about it on my blog. Do come and have a look.



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