
Watching goldfish play on an August afternoon

My own "lake of shining waters"

Today I stood at the pond's edge
Under the shade of the lemon tree
Watching orange fish dart in the water
From the shade of one lily pad to the next.

As the waterfall burbled
The fish at play kept me transfixed.
Standing still
The hot August day didn't feel quite so hot.

A sleepy garden kitty spotted me,
Left her shady slumber spot
Traversing each patch of shade between her and me
To greet me and welcome me to her world for today.

I lost track of time.
I don't know how long I watched the fish
From my shady vantage point.
But as I left it to walk back to the house
I could smell the heat of summer
Radiating from my skin and clothes.


  1. I envy you this quiet time with nature. I've been feeling burnt out lately and in need of a little goldfish gazing time myself.

  2. I haven't been blogging this summer so this is my first visit here in a long time. I love your new look! Lovely poem--it sounds like you are mending. I hope so!

  3. Gorgeous! The picture is beautiful and the poetry also.

  4. What a delicious poem. You made me feel the heat on my Own skin. Lovely word picture!


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