
The wait is finally over... the hibiscus bloomed

Hibiscus blooming

Two summers ago I bought this hibiscus, potted it and placed it in a sheltered area of the garden. It did well until the frosts of December and January hit.

I thought I'd lost it.

Over the next year, I kept it alive until deciding to relocate it. It came into the garage over last winter and then took up residence on the deck in a part-sun location right outside the back door.

I've anxiously awaited the day when it would finally bloom again. I've watched it grow lots of new greenery all spring and summer. Then finally a couple of weeks ago I noticed it was putting out buds--at least a dozen. I've been waiting impatiently for the first to bloom so I could see the lovely tropical blossoms again (the reason why I bought the unique variety in the first place).

This morning was the morning that my long anticipation was finally rewarded. It is beautiful!

Hibiscus blooming


  1. Just gorgeous! I have a few hardy-type hibiscus and a Rose of Sharon but those tropical ones are extra-special.


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