
The heat of summer has finally arrived

Provence lavender

I think it's finally decided to be summer around here. We've had an unseasonably wet and cool May and June. Finally, the heat decided to arrive this week with temps hovering around 85-91F (29-32C).

The only problem is that with the heat comes the western sun shining in my southwest facing studio windows in the late afternoon and evening. Since I don't have air conditioning this becomes a problem. Like every summer, I'm having to find a way to shift my creative clock so I feel inspired at different times of the day other than when the sun is streaming in my window.

It seems counter intuitive really. Artists and photographers love natural light. But when heat comes with that light it changes my priorities.

Thankfully, it cools off after the sun sets when gentle breezes blow in off the water of the San Francisco Bay. Then I can open my studio windows, air out the stuffiness and start creating again.


  1. It's coming our way too! I don't know if that should make me happy or not...I keep getting sunburned just from hanging out with the summer school kids at recess! Yikes! Keep it up honey! We're dealing with the heat too :)

  2. I am sure that we will get the heat soon...maybe? LOL

    The room that I work in gets too much light, [imagine that], by the late afternoon to work on the computer.

    And that seems to be my favorite time to do things. So I have to adjust..

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams


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