
Life at Rosehaven Cottage: Tucked in the corners of the January gardens

The gray of January hangs in the damp chilly air over the gardens here at Rosehaven Cottage. There is no winter snow... just rain, fog, and an occasional early-morning frosting of shimmery crystals on the rooftop. The beauty of the winter garden often lies low and in protected corners where the frost cannot find it.

At the base of our young olive tree the sunny yellow heads of jonquils brighten the drab landscape, sending hints of their fragrance wafting on the chilly air.


Under the protective boughs of the oleander, the shy little violets bloom fragrant and sweet in the blue-purple color I associate with January.


On the shady side of the house, the camellias put on the annual show I wait the rest of the year to see. Their spectacular display of lipstick reds and rouge pinks are garden Valentines.





  1. As you described each flower I could smell them in my memory. I love those smells...

  2. It's so hard for me to imagine that this is a January garden! I'm so envious of your camellias. I have to go to the conservatory in Ft. Wayne to see those. I just got an oleander this weekend! I'll have to grow it in a container, of course. It was badly infected with mealy bugs, so I'm working on those, but I'm sure I'll be successful in eradicating them. I'm excited because it's loaded with buds right now!

  3. Hola Cindy, I have loved your lovely and enchanted garden.
    Greetings from a gardener from Chile
    maria cecilia

  4. I just discovered your lovely blog. I'm just new into blogging & have just finished off my own blog on fashion & interior design.
    I had a lot of fun putting it together. I would love your feedback on it if you've got a spare minute.

  5. Love the camellias! They remind me of Golden Gate Park and make me dream of SPRING!

  6. Those are gorgeous blooms!
    We're in the middle of our winter so the only florals I get to see are on the web or those I can pick up from the store...

  7. I can't wrap it around my head that you are seeing daffodils and violets right now! Mother Nature sure is amazing. I wish she'd work some magic so mine will grow and bloom through the snow;-) Many daffs start popping through the ground here in Feb. sometime...but mine don't ever actually show blooms until later in March.

  8. Now I REALLY am missing your place! So beautiful and homey!


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