
Emerald nostalgia

Emerald nostalgia

I watched her hands as she made the ornaments.

Each jewel...

Each pearl...

Each ribbon...

Pinned in place.

My tiny 4 year old heart leapt.
Elegant glimmering beads and baubles
Dazzling a young romantic soul.

Too delicate for little hands to touch...

Precious enough to hang high on the tree
Until each was tucked in soft tissue cradles
To wait for the next year.

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  1. Oh Cindy what a most treasured precious memory that will always be for you...I have such memories also of my mother working Kinkade puzzels and they now hang on my walls more precious to me than my real Kinkades!
    Merry Christmas from Miss Peach at the cozy cottage to you and yours!XOXOXO

  2. How precious! I hope you are doing well sweet lady!

    Deanna :D


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