
My new book "What Kind of Pumpkin Are You?"

What Kind of Pumpkin Are You?

I'm a bit shy about sharing this (don't ask me why), but I will anyway... I've self-published my first book--What Kind of Pumpkin Are You?

What Kind of Pumpkin Are You? is an inspirational and humorous book intended to bring a smile to your face and hope to your soul. I envisioned it being read on days you don't want to get out of your jammies and would just rather go back to bed and sleep the day away--yeah, those kinds of days.

Anyone who knows me well knows I enjoy finding meaning and analogies in the world around me. One day a few years ago I was visiting our local “pumpkin patch” (it becomes the Christmas tree lot by December and is a vacant lot the rest of the year). I took photographs of the groupings of pumpkins as I found them. I thought it was interesting how someone had had some fun with stacking the pumpkins various ways. Once I got home and began reviewing the photos in post-processing, I was surprised to find themes of hope, acceptance, and love in the unstaged shots. I ended up compiling them into a Halloween blog post that I re-posted as an annual post each year since.

Well, that blog post has now been expanded into this book, What Kind of Pumpkin Are You? The book is available in a selection of soft and hard cover bindings that fit various budgets (my personal preferences are the "Imagewrap Hardcover on Express Photo Silk Paper" and the "Perfect Bound Softcover on Express Satin Paper").

What Kind of Pumpkin Are You?


  1. I've always loved this post. So excited about your book.

  2. This is so exciting Cindy. I love the book and I wish you the greatest of success sharing it.

  3. I'll have to keep it in mind cute cousin...Christmas is getting closer and I always have a tough time getting things for my fellow Kinder teachers (in other words, I better save my pennies, eh?).

  4. Wow, I'm so impressed with your creativity. I wasn't able to view the book, but I've no doubt it's fabulous! Yay, you!!

  5. Congratulations and thank you for reminding me that it's okay to be exactly the kind of pumpkin I am!

  6. Congratulations and thank you for reminding me that it's okay to be exactly the kind of pumpkin I am!


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