
Photographic serendipity

Up High, Down Low
"Up high, down low" taken at Pismo Beach June 25, 2010

As we strolled along the beach just down from where we were staying in Pismo Beach last weekend, I had my camera in hand ready to take shots of whatever struck my fancy. I was mostly on a hunt for great textures to use as Photoshop overlays, but I'll never pass up a chance to take advantage of what I call "photographic serendipity"--those moments that are so perfect yet so fleeting that if I don't snap the shutter quickly, I'll have missed it. It's those candid moments that I am always on the lookout to find and shoot.

I had several of those fantastic moments as we took our stroll. The first is the shot above with the family ascending the stairs after spending the afternoon playing at the beach.

The second is the shot below. I saw these darling sandals sitting on the wall up close to the bluff and got behind them for macros. Then the girls appeared in the background and the rest was... well... "photographic serendipity".

Kick off your shoes... and play.
"Kick off your shoes... and play" taken at Pismo Beach June 25, 2010
(Click here for to see this image as customizable greeting cards and event invitations)


  1. I love that second photo it would never occur to me to take a photo of that sort of subject but it really works

  2. Wow! Cindy, I love the photo of the family on the stairs. Great shot and great processing. Little girls are darling too.

  3. There is a poignancy to that first shot, especially in how everyone is still looking out to the ocean as they climb the stairs.

    I love both, you have done a great job.


  4. Love the sandal shot. What a great day at the beach. It looks like you were blessed with fabulous sunshine.



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