
Fresh hot buttered popcorn

Fresh hot buttered popcorn

We have our favorite old movie theatre here in our area that has all the original elaborate architectural details of times gone by. I remember the first time I visited a similar movie theatre when I was a kid. I was enthralled with the ornate beauty and was a bit disappointed when the lights had to go down for the movie to start. I still have similar feelings when Hubby and I visit the vintage theatre we love.

When I was working on the above piece, I wanted to capture all those feelings somehow--the feelings of sitting and eating something fresh like the hot buttered popcorn while admiring the ambiance of the beautifully aged vintage theatre that surrounds us. It's a happy kind of paradox of emotions, and I think I captured a bit of it.


  1. Yum. The Frenchman and I were talking the other day and, don't ask me why, the subject of popcorn came up. He said he hated the smell of it. oh. hmmmm. I've never heard of anyone hating the smell of popcorn before. I let him know I loved it. A warning, perhaps, that he may be smelling it from time to time. Love. It's all about compromise, right?

    Lovely, vintage feel to this photo.

  2. oh,I can nearly smell it...salty,buttery goodness!
    hope you are enjoying your summer~


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