
Learning, creating, growing

I love the spring because my whole inner self seems to come alive with the desire to learn, create and grow. I have a similar phenomenon happen in the fall when I want to learn (a throwback to a "back to school" mentality).

Fortunately for me, during this time when I want to create and learn Heavenly Father often hands me just the right project from just the right person. This time it came by way of a referral from my sister. Her friend is finishing up her certification as a footzonologist and needed a logo as well as a website of some sort for an online presence.

I love projects like this... the ones that start out with a completely blank slate. Karen hadn't even settled on a business name yet so I was fortunate to be a part of all of that brainstorming--probing with key questions to stir her own creative juices to bubble up and come to the surface with exactly what she was envisioning down inside. It's exciting to be a part of that.

In the end, I was able to give Karen a logo she loves and a blog to match. What Karen gave me was an opportunity to use my Photoshop skills, my illustration talents (for the footprint in the sand) and stretch my skills as a Blogger developer, learning some new tricks along the way.

I am grateful for projects like these. Somehow the successful completion has given me more courage to explore other creative ideas that have been simmering in the background because I've been too fearful to jump in and try (I call it "perfectionist paralysis"). Little by little... line upon line... precept upon precept the Lord is getting me back in touch with my inner artist and helping me be courageous in my creativity again.


  1. Wow--how neat! What a lovely foot! I'm not much into feet but that one is very nice. : )

  2. great logo...great work.
    have a lovely weekend~

  3. I LOVE it! The daisies in the toes is a brilliant image and that's a very clever company name, too.

    I've never heard of a I'll be doing some learning too.


  4. Cindy, I love the name Happy Sole! It just makes you feel better to say it!!
    How fun that you got to be part of the developing!!

  5. Cindy absolutely amazing, you are very talented. Anna :)

  6. I love it! So creative and it's even beautiful! You have so much talent!


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