
Cherry Parfait

Cherry Parfait

When I first saw the name of this rose "Cherry Parfait", I fell in love even though it was just a bare-root package with no foliage, encased in a plastic bag with a picture of what the rose would hopefully look like someday. Not far from it on the bare-root display was another rose named "My Fifi". Again, I fell in love with the name.

The two roses came home with me and went into the ground opposite one another with only a small walking path dividing them.

That was only a couple of years ago. Both are stellar performers in the blooming department. Their blooms are great for cutting and putting in a vase.

I'm glad I went ahead and bought them even if only for their names.


  1. Cindy, your blog is beautiful...very romantic and soft (as is your photography)! :)

  2. It looks good enough to eat! Lovely.

  3. Oh Cindy, so beautiful, and yes, romantic. What a lovely rose.


  4. Wow! Those look absolutely delicious! What's their scent like?

  5. Looks like a water-color, not photography, Cindy!


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