
Early bloomer

Early bloomer

Rain clouds have covered the sky all day, so imagine my delight when I saw a spot of "sunshine" in the back corner of the garden by the bay leaf tree. I've never had a sunflower this early in the year before (usually don't get them until at least July). Its sunny face on a cloudy day was quite a pleasant surprise.


  1. Wow! I was thinking that was super early! We really don't get those until later summer/early fall. But they are such happy plants! It must just be one of those tender mercies from heaven...just a special message for my Cindy :)

  2. What?? A sunflower?! Amazing!

  3. That is a nice surprise. I don't remember what zone you are in, but I'm guessing 8ish. We won't have any blooms like that here in 5b for awhile.

    Happy spring! I see you are a Christian, too.

  4. Too wonderful to be true isn't it?

    Did it grow all winter? I can't wait for mine. But I guess I had better plant them soon. Sigh...


  5. I love sunflowers. They are so cheerful. Gorgeous photo.

  6. I'd say! How lucky is that? :)


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