
Monday Mosaic: Fall Into Winter


1. Last Grapes, 2. Red in the rain, 3. Land of milk and honey, 4. Creche, 5. Home for the holidays, 6. Frost, 7. What once was white, now in winter is russet pink, 8. Pyracanthus Berry Bokeh, 9. Grass in the Snow


  1. Hi Cindy, I have missed you.

    Glad to see you again, and what lovely shots you have captured. Are you using your textures?


  2. Dearest Cindy! Wishing you the blessings of the season from the cozy cottage to your little beautiful haven. Thank you for all the beautiful glimpses I have had through the windows of your world this year...I pop by often and today I wanted you to know that! Misses Peach reminds you that "Happiness is quality not quantity"


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