
Late Bloomers

October Buddleia

Yesterday, I took a stroll around the garden with my camera because the sun was just perfect for shooting. Usually at this time of year, I'm shooting autumn leaves, rose hips, and other autumnal details. On my garden tour, I was surprised to find some late blooms in little nooks and crannies. I found a lovely cluster of white Buddleia blooms ("Butterfly Bush") attracting small skipper butterflies in the front garden. And in a protected spot under the plum tree and pomegranate bush in the back garden, I found a beautiful late hibiscus bloom.

I can relate to these late bloomers, because I am also a "late bloomer". Coming up on October 31st, is the 4th anniversary of when I was given a new life at almost 40--the Halloween that changed my life. I've reflected a lot on this major milestone this past week. I've reflected on the reality of being a "late bloomer" because of the health challenges I faced for almost 25 years up until 2005.

During those almost 25 years, I found myself wondering why I couldn't "get it together" and why I wasn't accomplishing and achieving things like my peers. I felt like a failure most of the time because I had vision but couldn't follow through with what I could see. It was so hard trying to maintain a sense of self-esteem amidst so many setbacks. My misconception was that I thought I had to accomplish and achieve everything while I was in my 20's and 30's in order to lay the groundwork for the rest of my life... silly me.

It turns out that I am a "late bloomer". And I am in very good company. The fallacy that everyone achieves success early in their adulthood is so untrue. And what is even more untrue is that all one's formal learning opportunities end once one ages out of one's 20's. Yes, that is the traditional age when a lot of individuals pursue a college/university education. But there are so many of us that, for whatever reason, wait until later to pursue our educational goals and dreams. There are also many of us that don't find our true life's passion until later when we understand ourselves more.

I am grateful that I live in a time when I don't have to have crammed every pursuit of every dream into my 20's and 30's, or I will have missed the boat altogether. I am grateful that I live in a time when modern medicine is advanced enough to give me a new life after 40. I am grateful that I am a "late bloomer".

October Hibiscus


  1. This post is so beautiful in so many ways.

  2. Hello,

    I think, like flowers, that people "bloom" when they are ready and not any earlier.

    I absolutely love your photo of the White Buddleia flower. The white and yellow are so perfect together.

  3. What a lovely thought - and I must agree...I guess I'm a late bloomer too - in many ways...those white blossoms of the butterfly bush are simply magical!

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. As I mentioned before, I think the Caraway girls just get better with age. I know I am a better person than I used to be...oh, and cuter too :)

  5. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

  6. And how beautiful it is!

    I'm hoping that I'm a late bloomer too...otherwise, I'm in big trouble!

  7. Some beautiful flower's...I love Buddleia....and you have a pomegranate bush too...hmmm, I will have to look into that!!

  8. This is an exquisite post - the pictures are breathtaking, and your words, as always, filled with layers thought-provoking meaning. I am also a late bloomer, and thank you for writing in behalf of all of us.


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