
Kitties, a "bear paw" quilt and UFO hunters


I had to miss floral design class this week because of the "creeping crud". I've only missed my class once before--when Hubby's dad died and the graveside service was on the same day as class. Last week I finally reached the milestone of completely the last arrangement "required" for my beginner's certification. This week I was going to begin tackling solely advanced work. But the "creeping crud" had other ideas.

So I've sat in the recliner with the shade of my trusty reading lamp swung over my head and a full-spectrum light bulb turned up to the brightest setting. My favorite "bear paw" quilt and an ongoing rotation of kitties have kept me warm as I've watched mindless television that doesn't require much thought. Who knew there was an entire series devoted to hunting UFOs?

Hubby was sick all last week, so this week he is extremely empathetic to my maladies and has been an absolute saint even though I've been a lousy conversationalist that has made many "honey-do" requests so I don't have to get up and disturb whichever cat is nesting on me at the time. He is so patient with me.

I've sat and looked up at my floral arrangements on the mantel as they've slowly wilted over the course of the week. Fortunately, as they've wilted I've done the reverse. I feel like I'm entering the land of the living again... thankfully!


  1. glad you are feeling better.

  2. Hi Cindy,

    I am really sorry for not visiting for a long time. There is not enough time in the day because we have to keep our eyes on this gang hanging around. They have been doing very dangerous things recently, including aiming fireworks at our house. We have had several hit the windows, several in the garden and one at the front door. We are ok...shaken but ok, and there is no damage to the house as yet. Just eggs splattered all over the windows. We have been in touch with the police and the housing association and are bracing ourselves for tonight and the rest of the week.

    The computer still won't let me see photos or pictures but I can see text.

    Hope you are feeling better, Cindy...I doubt I've been much help with what I have told you today, but I hope you know, even when I don't visit your blog, I am thinking of you!

    Hugs from Meg and cats xxx

    P.S. Thank you for the comment you put on my blog. I don't think it would be a good idea to send me anything while we are living here. We are hoping to get out of this house in the next few weeks. When we move, I'll be sure to give you my new address. I still have the same email address.

  3. I am so glad that you are feeling better,, we have been pretty lucky that we have not had it yet, and hope we don't... Your floral arrangements are just beautiful...


  4. Glad you're feeling better! And yes, we mustn't disturb the kitties when they've nestled with us! Good thing for spouses!

    Happy Weekend!

  5. Glad you're getting well. The flower arrangements are so beautiful!

  6. Glad you're feeling better!!!

  7. You are so talented, you make me sick! Hahaha.
    That picture is gorgeous. I took a flower design class in high school, and I enjoyed it, but the teacher was really mean and strict. Totally ruined it for me.

  8. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. You are truly blessed to have such a wonderfully caring partner.


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