
A really fun announcement!

Title: "Gazania" Digital Desktop/Wallpaper
Click here to download the desktop above

I am so excited to finally announce to everyone what I've been up to for the past couple of weeks. I've been sitting here at my computer coding and designing a new website called Rosehaven Cottage Digital Download Shop where all downloads are FREE to 99 cents.

This idea was born out of my desire to share many of my photographs as free desktops/wallpaper for people to download whenever they felt like a "change of scenery". But I also wanted some security for myself so that I didn't have problems with "poachers". I realized that if I created a shop of my own where people signed in before they downloaded, it would make my desires a reality.

I started building the site with the free desktops in mind and then realized that I had a lot of other textures, clip art, and backgrounds I've created (or drawn) that I wanted to share too that would appeal to scrapbookers, crafters, artists, and bloggers. I also realized that I am constantly doodling, sketching and creating things so that the inventory would always be growing.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been hard at work building the shop site so that all these goodies are available to download. To make it even more fun, the inventory can be viewed by color palette or season of the year as well as the basic product types. You can browse only the FREE stuff if you want. I've tried to make it really easy to find just what you're looking for.

I hope you'll go over there and download some of free desktops to decorate your computer. There are some nice ones perfect for August in the Summer section.

You can get to the Rosehaven Cottage Digital Download Shop by clicking here,
or by visiting and
clicking on the Digital Download Shop button.

If you have problems downloading from the new shop,
please email me at so I can fix it right away.


  1. You are so creative! Did you create the clip art too?

  2. Thank you, Robin! And YES I drew the clip art. Everything on this site is created, drawn, and/or photographed by lil ole' me.


  3. how very cool...congratulations on your accomplishmnet...your photos are beautiful, who wouldn't want them as a desktop and your generosity wonderful...good luck with your new venture!!

  4. That's so exciting! I'm delighted to hear that your imagination & entrepreneurial spirit has been sparked and that you're running with it.

    The $0.99 idea is brilliant, too. That will add up, just ask Apple, with their iTunes....

    Good for you! You're an inspiration and a role model.

  5. Cindy ~
    You are so full of smart, creative ideas! Thank you!!
    ~ Lynn

  6. very nice! I will def keep this in mind!

  7. Congratulations on the new website shop, Cindy! I will go over and have a look now. I hope it boosts business for you!

    Hugs from Meg and cats xxx

  8. You have some wonderful problem is knowing which one to pick...maybe you could do season collages too????

  9. Glad you have reasoned everything out and have decided on a new way to present your beautiful photos. :)

  10. Great idea! I'm always impressed by you. You think out your problems, make a plan and then make it happen!

  11. Congratulations on your successful processing of your frustration! You identified and stated the problems, asked for feedback, let your subconscious stew and came up with a great new approach. I'm a recent comer to your site and have been enjoying reading about your renovation process. You've been on a long trip and I'm glad you aren't "shutting down" on your creativity.

    Good luck! Barbara H.

  12. Simply beautifully captured shot!

  13. I am naughty, or just plain busy, and have not dropped you a comment about your wonderful new site. Gorgeous very very Rosehaven!

    I love the idea, and what a great professional amount of work you have put into it.

    I wish you much success with this newest endeavor.

    Oh and BTW, I got that wonderful book you mentioned written by Meg Mateo, from the library. It seriously helped me out with a lot of questions that I had regarding the business.

    Thanks again.



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