
Inspirational desktops

Click on image above to download as a free desktop

I had a bit of an epiphany earlier in the week that I've implemented right away. I've decided to use a few of my photographs (some personal favorites) to create inspirational desktops/wallpaper for anyone to download free from the Rosehaven Cottage Digital Download Shop. Each desktop features a quote from the Relief Society's visiting teaching monthly message (if you aren't familiar with what the Relief Society is click here).

I will definitely be releasing a new one every month. For now, I've gone backwards in time to create desktops for June and July, as well as creating one each for August and September. I may do the same for all the prior months of this year (not sure yet). Let me know what you think.


  1. How very generous of you! I've always loved your photos .

  2. I love the photo but I don't really bother with a desk top display nice idea though

  3. Cindy,
    That is a beautiful photo! You are a very hard worker! Thanks!

  4. Cindy how wonderful. This is very nice refreshing image, and excellent idea.

    Hope all is well Cindy.

    Anna :)

  5. Cindy, I've just mentioned your sites on my blog today..... I was talking about your cute cherry motif and other new stuff you've been creating for us.


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