
Green and Yellow Flames

"Yellow Sunflower Flames"
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The sunflowers in the front garden have been late in blooming. They've spent an inordinate amount of time growing their thick green stalks very high into the air. Finally they've begun to show their glory.

"Green Sunflower Flames"
Click here or above to download this as a free desktop/wallpaper for your computer


  1. So pretty. I was so suprised at the weight of a sunflower head when I was taking the seeds out for some pet food.

  2. Those are amazing shots, they have so much texture, and vividness to them.

    Don't you love sunflowers. I do, can you tell? I love them at all their stages in life, even when they are shriveling up and drying.

    The green sunflower shot moves me, and I only wish that I could express in words, how I adore that shot. Great capture Cindy.


  3. The first shot looks a little like a pin cusion. With flames. Striking.

    My favourite is the second one though. There's so much interesting texture and movement in this image.

  4. P.S.

    Great message by Dieter F. Uchtdorf on creativity. I especially like his advice about not letting critics paralyze us.

  5. Lovely! I especially love the one of the petals straightening out. They really do look like flames!

    A couple of the neighbourhood kids have been growing sunflowers at school. Every so often, they have been allowed to bring them home and they nominated Mum as the plant-sitter! They still have a little way to go before they reach the flowering stage. It is good to know that kids are getting excited over nature. Mum has just given a lad from down the street some Cosmos seed heads. She told him to let them dry out and then next spring, to put them in a tray with compost and they will grow. He was thrilled. LOL

    Hugs from Meg and cats xxx

  6. Hi, me again! I forgot to add in the last comment, I read your previous post and completely understand; having a roof over our heads and a warm house are two things we are extremely grateful for.

    Meg and cats xxx

  7. I just love the mostly green shot... I love the movement and color... beautiful...
    Oh, oh, oh see you in a few days...
    Love you,

  8. Wow! Those are amazing! When I get tired of my Central Park background...I may just grab one of these :)

  9. Wow! Those are amazing! When I get tired of my Central Park background...I may just grab one of these :)

  10. I wish I could get my camera to take close-ups like this.

  11. Hi Cindy, these are surreal sunflower photos. It reminded me the old days how we used to pick the sunflower seeds from the big sunflower head. Excellent. Have a good week my friend. Anna :)

  12. Ohhh these are my favorite photos I've seen in a long time! That last one is amazing, seriously cool! Kim

  13. These are exquisite pictures! Bravo!


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