
Weeks Nine and Ten of Floral Design

Because I missed my floral design class last Tuesday (funeral stuff), I had to make up a class period by attending both the afternoon and evening classes yesterday.

Week nine was the L-shaped arrangement that I made up in the evening. In my garden, I have been fortunate to have quite a few of my roses grow long straight stems this spring (probably because of our rainfall patterns). So I was able to bring a dozen long stemmed Tahitian Sunset roses from my own garden to make this arrangement! How cool is that?!?!

For week ten's arrangement, we learned how to make a topiary out of asiatic lilies and roses. The stems of the lilies are so long and straight that when we bound them together they made a great "trunk" for the topiary. The lilies are already starting to open up more as this arrangement sits on my mantle. I'm enjoying watching it evolve.

Yesterday was the last class of this term. So I get a two week break, and then I'll be in the shorter summer term doing double-duty every Tuesday with 6 hours of instruction in total every week. That means I'll get two arrangements done every Tuesday. By the end of the summer term, I'll be much closer to my first milestone--beginner's certification with 30 arrangements completed. Yay!


  1. They are both amazing and the Tahitian Sunset roses are stunning!

  2. The arrangements are lovely. And congrats on the completion of this step towards your goal!

  3. So very pretty - what lovely roses.

  4. Both arrangements are beautiful. I can't believe you had those roses in your very own garden. They are quite lovely.

  5. Both arrangements are beautiful, but the second one took my breath away!

  6. That is amazing! Congrats on finishing the first bit! And on your beautiful roses... :)

  7. Cindy, these are beautiful! I love the topiary... very cute... and I love your photos of it as well. It looks like you just walked in from the garden. And the L-shaped... for LEWIS!!! Love it! Love your very own roses

  8. Again, your arrangements are beautiful

  9. I really like both, you're lucky to have your own roses to use. The topiary one is beautiful!

  10. Those are both gorgeous. I really like the way you photographed the topiary with the chair & the straw hat.

    You should get extra credit for all the work you did on the funeral arrangements.

    You're really fast tracking this. Good for you!

  11. I really loved the topiary but both are pretty gorgeous.

  12. You're going from strength to strength flower arrangement-wise. Well done Cindy and how cool that you were able to use your own roses.

    Good luck on getting that beginner's certificate, I know you will get it!

  13. The arrangements are beautiful! I would love to take a class like that some day. Great job! -Jackie

  14. Well done to be able to use your own roses is such an achievement as well as saving money. I hope you take more pics for your portfolio when the lilies are open showing the "ball" nature of the top balancing the bottom. It must look and smell so wonderful in your house at the moment.


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