
Flower therapy

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As things have finally settled down after an extra long weekend of family gatherings in honor of my father-in-law, I'm getting a chance to post once again. All of your words have meant so very much. You have no idea the profound sense of peace that your friendship and love has brought to us both. It is times like these that I am extremely grateful for the technology that shrinks the world and makes it possible for me to reap the reward of having so many kindred spirits across the miles reaching out to me so that I may benefit from those important connections.

I had the very choice experience of taking my newly acquired floral design skills and putting them to the test by creating floral arrangements for Dad's funeral and graveside services. We chose to rent a cargo van so that I could buy all the flowers here and then transport them and my supplies with us the 3 1/2 hour drive to where the memorial services were being held. Then we could also transport some flowers back to our area for the graveside service that would be local to us. With the help of large blocks of ice and a number of ice chests (including two 150 quart monsters), we successfully transported all the flowers and kept them fresh.

As soon as we drove up to my in-law's home, I set up shop out in their garage and started arranging flowers. I had specific arrangements I did first, but I figured I'd just keep going until I'd used up all the flowers I'd acquired. I finally used up the last daffodils in two small tied bouquets in round glass bowls on Sunday night. Those two bouquets brought the grand total of arrangements to 10 arrangements in two days! I told Hubby that if I ever had any doubt whether I like this kind of work, this would be the test. And I'm happy to report that after all that, I love doing floral design work more than I did before I started.

The whole process was an extremely therapeutic one. I sat out in the garage at my work table. Family members would come in and out as they joined me for quiet chats around the flowers. The wonderful conversations that happened around that work table were so precious. Each arrangement just happened in the midst of all of this love and warmth. Although the first two arrangements were something I had somewhat pre-planned, the rest were born as I sat at the table. It was a profoundly sweet and poignant experience that I will always cherish. And I felt like it was the best way I could honor such a special artistic man--quietly creating while surrounded by family and flowers.


  1. Such a sweet post. Sorry for the loss of your loved one. Your arrangements look so good. I love the color choices you made. Becca

  2. Creativity-a balm to any ailment. What a beautiful story.

  3. Cindy,
    These arrangements are beautiful beyond words. I can see your heart and soul was in arranging them. What a gift you gave to everyone, especially your father-in-law.

  4. I love how all the arangements are bright and happy- no somber anything. I especially like the first one but they are all lovely. I didn't know him at all, of course, but to look at the arrangements I'd guess he was a bright, happy type of person. No matter what, your time and effort to care for him in this one last way must mean so much to everyone. Beautiful!

  5. Cindy, I commented over at FB and Flickr, but all I could see there were the photos. Thank you for sharing the story here. I love your beautiful arrangements shown here. Jan would appreciate your creations so much. What a blessing you are to the family.
    Love you so much,

    PS I hope you never have to do MY flowers... but if you did, it would be a great honor!

  6. I have truly never seen such a gorgeous choice of flowers and colours. I am sure everyone at the service appreciated them so much and even more so because they were made with love.

  7. Cindy, you created such beautiful arrangements for your family. They are the prettiest I've ever seen. I think your love for Jan shows in your special creations.

    I read your tribute to Jan, and I'm glad that you have a such a healthy view of death. It is difficult to lose our loved ones, but knowing that they are with the LORD and that we will see them again definitely brings comfort.

  8. Cindy, this act of love and generosity demonstrates the truth of who you are so beautifully.

    That was a truly wonderful way to honour your father-in-law, his wife, and your husband.

    It sounds like you created an oasis where others could come and spend a quiet moment among the splendor of God's creation and share their thoughts with you.


  9. Cindy, I loved all your arrangements. I loved the fact that they were "happy" arrangements not depressing ones. That was nice that everyone came out to talk to you while you arranged them. I'm sorry for your loss. Prayers and Hugs to all of you!

  10. What beautiful arrangements! I'm sure this was such a blessing to your family and such a loving tribute to your father in law. My favorite in the English Garden, but truly they are all so beautiful and colorful! I'm sure he is smiling down on his beautiful family and watching over you all!

  11. Cindy, I haven't been by for a little while, but I'm so glad I stopped in this evening. Your arrangements are beautiful. And I love how they brought a joy and peace as you worked and thought about your father-in-law during this time of his passing from this life to the next.

    What a beautiful privilege to use your new skills to create such beauty as a tribute to his life.

    With many loving thoughts from my heart to yours! Brenda

  12. Wow. Those are beautiful! My favorite is the english garden one...perfect! It combines all my favorite flowers.
    What a lovely way to show your love and honor him, cute cousin.

  13. Cindy,

    This post was so tender. The flowers arrangements tuened out gorgeous and full of sentiment and heartfelt love.
    I am sure he has big smile on his face an a heart full of love for a wonderful Daughter who jsut happens to be a in law.


  14. That is so lovely to hear Cindy that you had so much support. It must've felt just right to be honouring an artistic man so creatively. It was also a good learning exercise in how to keep it all fresh and the logistics involved. Your portfolio of work must look so wonderful now. Your rose wreath is particularly beautiful and perfect.

  15. Cindy, these are absolutely beautiful and unique, with an exquisite use of color! I've done wedding flowers for years, and have never seen anything quite so creative, and therefore, absolutely spectacular. What a loving and beautiful tribute.


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