
Roses, Roses, Roses

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"Golden Showers" climber
(with Oreo underneath)

It's that time of year around here when all the roses are bursting with wonderfully scented blossoms. The scent is so heady in certain parts of the garden that it seems a bit surreal. We have over 30 roses growing in the gardens so I couldn't picture them all here in one post. I decided to feature some of the ones that have gotten less "press" here on the blog.

The "Golden Showers" (above) has really taken off. It towers over my head and makes a great shady spot from the intense sun for both Oreo (the garden kitty) and me.

"Sheer Magic"

The "Sheer Magic" (above) has had a hard time producing photogenic blooms since I put it in 2 years ago. But this year looks promising with it's first bloom that is photograph-worthy.

This is the oldest rosebush in the gardens (above). It is probably at least 50 years old. I call it "Old Red" because I don't have a correct identification for it (although I have a hunch that it's a Mr. Lincoln).

"Hot Cocoa"

Like the "Sheer Magic", this "Hot Cocoa" (above) has had a hard time producing photogenic blooms since it went in 2 years ago. But this first bloom of 2009 gives me hope that it has settled in and found its footing so-to-speak.

"Cecile Brunner" climber

You've all seen my "Cecile Brunner" in past posts. It is such a wonderful climber with thick foliage that gives the best shade. This year we have a sweet sparrow family nesting in the inner depths of this massive rose. I hear the little babies tweeting from inside. It's really a treat.

"Irish Cream"

I usually won't admit to a favorite among my roses, but I have to admit that the "Irish Cream" has bewitched me with its unusual caramel color. It isn't a bushy rose, nor is it as prolific a bloomer as some of the others. But when it blooms... WOW!

"Montezuma" (above left) and "Cherry Parfait" (above right)

The "Montezuma" and the "Cherry Parfait" are on opposite sides of the front garden because each one is a show-stopper that needs the spotlight. It's interesting to see them here side-by-side when I never see them that way in real life.

Many of these roses (and more) have made their debut in a new 18 month calendar that I have hand-produced myself. I got really tired of "18 month" calendars that don't have real pages for the extra six months. So I decided to make a REAL 18-month calendar that has a real page for every one of the 18 months. I took photographs of the roses that grow here at Rosehaven Cottage and turned them into "vintage" rose prints using Photoshop magic. I have a coil-binding set-up here in my studio so the calendars have been completed constructed by me. I even discreetly hand-sign and date each one, because I think each is a piece of art.


  1. Cindy, I wanted to tell you which rose was my favorite, but as I scrolled down each one caught my fancy. I love your photo of Montezuma and Cherry Parfait compounded together! Very nice. And Irish Cream, so lickable... and the deep *old red*... I can smell it from here.
    Thank you for the garden tour.
    Love you,

  2. They are all lovely and I'm sure the fragrances are divine. You have captured them beautifully with the camera.

  3. Cindy all those roses are just beautiful, but I really love the Mr. Lincoln picture you took-how beautiful!!

  4. Cindy All so lovely. I have to choose Cecille Brunner. My elderly neighbour who died a year ago at 91 had this bush not climber in her garden I took cuttings off it and grew several healthy plants two of which I have now as good sized shrubs. It was some years before I finally descovered it's name as Christina never knew it's name. It has the most exquisite baby rose buds and delicious perfume. I am looking forward to this years flowers which repeat through the summer.

  5. Your roses and photos of them are delicious! What a gem:)

  6. Roses are so pure. Yours are awesome. Love that "old red".

  7. Beautiful! Everyone of them. I am sitting up here in Idaho drooling on your rose will be a couple of more months before our blooms come. :( Love your blog.

  8. Beautiful! Everyone of them. I am sitting up here in Idaho drooling on your rose will be a couple of more months before our blooms come. :( Love your blog.

  9. I am green with envy Cindy! I so long for MY roses to bloom up here in Northern Europe, but it will 5-6 weeks still.
    I wish I could smell that Mr. Lincoln Sigh ... The Climbing Cecille Brunner is gorgeous. No wonder it the tiny roses are called the - Sweetheart rose. I sometimes have a bloom of this rose in my tiny buttonhole-vase like gentlemen used to have. Love your Calendar too!

  10. Oh my! how beautiful your roses are.

  11. They are all so beautiful. I wish I had room for more in our garden.

  12. How lovely Cindy! I don't believe I've ever seen "Golden Showers" climber ... I would have remembered their beauty!

  13. 30?!? They're all gorgeous. I'm constantly surprised by the extent and magnificence of your garden.

    Excellent job on the calendar too!

  14. I really love the colour of the 'Hot Cocoa'. It's gorgeous. And the 'Cherry Parfait' is quite awesome too.

  15. Cindy,
    I love the Golden Shower! The 18 month calendar is a great idea!

  16. So many roses! How do you find the time to care for them? We can't keep up with the 8 we have!

  17. Yup, Carolynn, 30! I counted them up because someone asked a couple of months ago and I was shocked! Funny thing is... our lot isn't that big. It's only 50 feet wide and less than 200 feet deep. The house and driveway take up a lot of space so what's left is the garden. I don't have lawn, so that's probably why I can cram so many roses into a small space. ;-)

  18. Hi Cindy,

    Roses are my Mum's favourite flower - although she likes a variation. Roses are one of my favourites, amongst lilies, tulips, orchids and I can't remember the others off the top of my head.
    I have a favourite scented rose but I have no idea what the name of it is and since we don't have it anymore (when we moved out of the house with the field behind), I probably won't find out which one it is. All I can tell you is that it is pale pink, it is a climber (I think) and the smell is kind of sweet and sends me back to childhood whenever I could smell it because I once got a doll for my 4th or 5th birthday that was scented like this mystery rose.
    We have a range of roses for this garden. I'll have to write down the names because there is no way I will be able to remember them all.

    I love all your roses! They say "summer" to me. Beautiful!

    Hope everyone is well. Hugs from Meg and cats xxx

    P.S. Thank you for the discount I recieved by email. It means a lot to me that you call me a friend. :)

  19. Gorgeous photos!

  20. Cindy,
    Such gorgeous roses... all of them. And what wonderful photos you take of them.

    It's always a visual treat to visit Rosehaven Cottage.

  21. I can smell them from here! (Which is good since we won't have them here for quite some time!)

  22. I soooo happy there's spring happening somewhere in our world! We've been experiencing snow flurries over the past few days. Seems so odd as I've got crocuses blooming in the backyard!

    Gorgeous photos, by the way! As always, it's a delight to come and visit you, Cindy!

  23. Thanks for visiting, Cindy. I'd say there can never be too many roses!!

  24. What beautiful roses & and a lovely blog that you've created as well. I'm so glad I discovered your site today.

  25. Lovely pictures! I still have 2 months before my roses start blooming (sigh). That Hot Cocoa is such an interesting color.
    I signed up at LDS Blogs after seeing the link on your site. It's always nice to find other members online.
    Regards - VW

  26. After I sent your rose cards to two of my friends, they went to your site on Etsy and ordered them too. You take wonderful photos. Here, in hot, dry Oklahoma, 'Golden Showers' and 'Hot Cocoa' eventually succumbed. However, 'Cecile Bruner' is a wonder. I like your 'Irish Cream' rose. I have a shrub type called 'Cliffs of Dover.' Thanks for sharing your photos and yourself.~~Dee


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