
I'm officially a "Muddy Booter"!

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Jen at Muddy Boot Dreams features a fellow blogger on Friday's. Each blogger she showcases becomes part of a wonderful group known as "The Muddy Booters". I am honored and humbled to have been chosen to be the latest addition to "The Muddy Booters". I feel so honored to be one of them that I wanted to dedicate my recent photographic art piece entitled "Lilac Nostalgia" to Jen as a huge hug and thank you. Thank you, Jen!


  1. Awwww. Cindy, thank you so very much. And what a absolutely lovely piece of artwork you have created! I am honored.

    I loved writing this post on you, my only wish, is that I had left myself more time. You have such a interesting history, with your lovely house, and garden. although I tried to fit in as many of the details as I could, there really are more stories here. Maybe one day I will have a chance to do a follow up Muddy Booters post.

    As for the photos of the ranunculas, of course they had to be pink. I took those at work yesterday especially for your post. I wouldn't dream of using any other color.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  2. I found your blog through Jen and just wanted to say "hi" and tell you what a lovely blog you have. Hope you have a blessed Easter.

  3. Cindy, what a beautiful posting about you over at Jen's! You deserve it!!

    You know, I was browsing through your other site (Dusting in Pearls) and was wondering why I hadn't clued in to go over there before (huh!).... but I'm sure glad I did. You do gorgeous, gorgeous stuff! I need to come and shop!!

  4. Stopped by from Muddy Boot have a wonderful blog here. It's just like Jen described! :) So nice to "meet" you! :)

  5. Congratulations! Your work is certainly worthy of the honor.

  6. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!! YOu totally deserve it..... Muddy Boot blog is awesome. I need to go see what she wrote about YOUR fabulous blog. You are so creative !!!!
    Happy Easter... is that a peonies I see!!! SO JEALOUS... I still have till may before my white ones bloom.

  7. Oh, yay! Way to make up for your bad day this past week!

  8. Cindy, What fun and what an honor! I love it when others see the wonderful, amazing, talented, person that you are.
    And the note cards??? Well, you know how I love lilacs.
    love you, YFA

  9. An honour well deserved. Beautiful image. It almost looks three dimensional and I'm sure I caught the faint scent of lilac on the air...

  10. Congratulations Cindy!
    Just catching up after a craft room sesh.

    I am cross with your flower arrangement teacher. She is there to guide and encourage not to criticise. You knew the location the arrangement was going into and you knew your clients' taste (you and hubby) so you knew you were making something which would please. I have no doubt that if you were making for her you would make an entirely different arrangement from the word go. I'm sure I'd be thinking of stinging nettle, bramble and dandilion, 'cos I'm twisted and nasty. LOL


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