
A branch full of sunshine

For the past couple of days, my afternoons have been spent staring at bright white railings and decking as I've painted and caulked the seams of our almost-completed deck (I promise as post with photos as soon as it's done). The bright white deck is up against our little buttercream yellow house. The light reflects off of both in a brilliant way.

I've had to slather on SPF 50 sunscreen every day before heading out because if I didn't, I'd be burnt to a crisp in less than an hour. The breeze has kept the sun from being too oppressively warm up until today which began a stint of hotter days that may take us into the low 90's over the weekend.

As I've been out soaking up all this warmth and sun, I have been reminded that some of you just had a good deal of snow dumped on you. And some of you have been under rainy skies. I don't take my sunshine for granted. I know it is a blessing. Through this photo of our lemons, I wish to send a branch full of sunshine to all of you that are desperately longing for it.


  1. Lemons! You actually have lemons! They must smell gorgeous in the hot sun.

  2. We have too much sun today. It is burning hot! But thanks for the branch of sunshine though.

  3. What a lovel post and yes we have in Surrey UK been having a lot of rain yesterday but now it's stopped I must get in the garden. A little extra warmth and sun would be nice but meanwhile I will enjoy your lemon picture.

  4. For sn islan which boasts a lot of sunshine, we're having one very cloudy spring this year :) But hey, it's nice that we're not already complaining about the intense heat, for once :)

  5. I am glad when you or any of my friends can enjoy the warmth and perfect weather. Ours is fact the sun is shinning and it promises to be a perfect day!
    We did have a stormy Wednesday and plenty of snow caused car wrecks. But then the snow melts quickly!
    Your deck sounds heanvenly with the smells of lemons growing along with ALL you other gorgeous beauties! I hope you enjoy it before it gets too hot.
    My husband just got back yesterday from your world. He took gorgeous pictures of the SF bay from the Oakland Temple and saw huge turkeys at the beautiful Sacramento Temple. My husband designed the basic plan for the S Temple and our friend Brian Everett was the architect locally who designed the final plan. It was nice for them to get together and go through it. The view from Oakland was gorgeous!

    Love, beth

  6. Yes, yes, yes, please send that branch of sunshine... and I will turn it into lemonade! (LOL). I love this beautiful photo.

    Love you,

  7. What a great shot! There's just something so fresh & clean about lemons. I'll bet your place is looking gorgeous.

    Our weather is finally starting to improve, but it's nowhere near what you've got.

  8. Thank you for the lovely photo and blessing, Cindy! What a sweet and kindly thought.
    I remember Grama's big lemon bush by her garage in Oakland. That thing just amazed me. Such a beautiful plant and always loaded!
    Love ya, Annie

  9. It's drizzling rain in GA this morning - nice to see the bright, cheerful lemons! Look forward to seeing your completed project.

  10. Nothing better than the fragrance of a freshly sliced lemon.
    Lovely blog!

  11. Oh that is wonderful I can almost smell them. I've been loving the sun we've had for the last few days here. Even my washing is on the line and drying as fast as I hang it- a real honour. :-)

    I do feel for you painting in white in bright sun- it's almost like snowblindness. Hope you finish it soon.

  12. Love your photo of lemons. Where are you located? I'm in So Cal and it's boiling here! My lemon tree is looking brilliant too though! Thanks for coming by my blog today. Yours is stunning!


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