
The Workshop Windowbox

Back when I posted the first photos of our new workshop, I had some requests to make sure and post photos once I got flowers into the windowbox. It's taken me a while to decide on what I wanted in the windowbox. Since the overnight temps have started to warm up, it made my selection wider, but I was still stumped.

Then when Hubby and I were at Home Depot looking for primer and paint for the deck that's going in, I told him, "Let's just take a quick peek into the garden center to see if they have any trellises I like." Well, of course I didn't make it out of there with only trellises. I'm good when Hubby isn't with me, but when we're together I manage getting stuff I hadn't planned on getting. Kinda backwards from most marriages, but that's the way it is.

I ended up with some gorgeous bright red Gerbera daisies and then some little white petunias that will grow in and fill out over time. Once I got them in, I was so glad I chose the red because it looks great contrasting against the butter yellow of the workshop. And they are a wonderfully happy flower that makes me smile when I see them.


  1. That 'Let's just check and see' syndrome! It hits us every time we go in to the garden center/nursery!

  2. What a beautiful choice those Gerbera Daisies are! They are one of my favorites, a perfect flower.

  3. Now, I could work in that workshop! Pretty flowers!

  4. These are wonderful.... I love the color you choose to go with the siding. I think I am going to do some gerbers in my favorite terra cotta pot this summer on the deck. I miss having window boxes at my new house. I actually added some window boxes on my kids play house last year because I missed them so!

    Happy SPring - Thank for sharing.

  5. Ooh, good choice! I remember the first time I saw gerberas, about 25 years ago, as a cut flower in an arrangement at a wedding. They were hot pink--gorgeous!

  6. A 'quick' there such a thing in a garden centre? Well done on the flowers. They're very cheerful. I swear, you must live in the tropics or something because you always seem to have such beautiful weather!

  7. They are a wonderful POP of color against the pale background, and look great.
    Gerbera daisies = smiles

  8. Gerberas are awesome. They come in usch amazing colours. I absolutely love them. Good choice.

  9. Great window box choice. The dozen rose class looked really good too. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Love the Gerbera daisies, Cindy! Great choice!

    And yep, we do that too. We can go to garden centres, charity shops, craft shops or even food shopping and always end up buying things that we never intended to get. Mum keeps doing it now with bird houses...we have five...actually make that six, she got one yesterday! LOL :)

    Hugs from Meg and cats xxx

  11. That's how it works in mine too. I make list of the flowers I want (after doing careful research to see if they will thrive where I want to put them). Then Hubby and I will be in the garden center and I'll see something I like but know nothing about and Hubby will say why don't you go ahead and get it (needless to say I do) or he will show me something to see if I like it (needless to say I usually do) and we wind up getting it.

    Sometimes it thrives sometimes it doesn't.

  12. Cindy, I know what you mean about being more likely to buy if your husband is there - it is the same for us! I do like these Gerberas it is something I have never grown but may be this year, especially if I can find a lovely red like your.

    Best wishes Sylvia (England)

  13. I absolutely love the bright red with the yellow! Great choice!

  14. Gerbera daisies are my very-favoritest of happy flowers! I just love them. These are beautiful. I can hardly wait to see if mine will come back again this year (I couldn't believe it when mine came up last spring after being buried under feet of snow all winter!)
    Love you...

  15. They do make a nice contrast to your yellow workshop walls. I love Gerberas, such happy cheerful flowers. They had some in stock at Lowe's when I was there this week. Might need to get some more. :)

  16. Not only do they look great next to your shed, they pose well for photographing! They would look great in a frame.

    It sounds like you have had lots of home improvement projects. We have repairs we need to be starting on soon, too. I want to come back and see what you did to keep water out of your basement.

  17. They look so beautiful, and what a fabulous workshop.


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