
The first lilacs of 2009

My to-do list for today involves lots of work outside. And with gorgeous sunny weather, it's something I welcome wholeheartedly.

Along our southern fence line where I walk back and forth from the front to the back, we have warm climate variety lilac bushes that have bloomed for the first time of the year. That makes traipsing up and down the side yard even more of a treat. I wish there was smell-a-vision available for blogs so I could share the wonderful scent with all of you.


  1. I'm so jealous. I am pretty sure we can't grow lilacs just the few miles away I am from you. :(

  2. How lovely! I've had the warm season lilacs here for years with little growth or blooms. Maybe it is just a bit too warm, but who can resist taking a chance on such beautiful flowers?

  3. I wish there was smell-a-vision too...lilacs are my all time favorite!

  4. Cindy, I love Lilacs! When my daughter, Jennifer was born it was May and lilacs were in bloom so my friends brought me 2 huge bouquets of them to the hospital. I love them-thanks for bringing back such fond memories!

  5. I have never grown lilacs. But I so love them. The very word "lilac" is just so sweet and endearing.

  6. Oh, sigh. It's still two months before lilacs for me, but I can smell them just ooogling your photo, Cindy. Thanks for giving me hope of spring to come.

  7. Oh! Lilacs are among my favourite flowers. They smell absolutely delicious! I'm envious.

  8. Ah, breathe deeply! No fragrance quite as delicious as lilacs in the springtime!

  9. Wishful thinking perhaps but I do believe I can smell it, Cindy! Great photo ... this haunting smell fills the air here in May.

  10. I can smell them from delicious!

  11. Just like Heidi, I am jealous we can't grow them here.

  12. A beautiful shot Cindy. I am so looking forward to seeing our lilacs bloom this spring.


  13. Oh, I am so jealous! I can smell them from here...

    Love you,

  14. Gorgeous. I think that one should be framed. I opened my doors and windows today and enjoyed a nice breeze. The fresh air was so lovely. Lilacs blooming outside my window would be nice too...

  15. Hallo Cindy, I can smell them now.... I love this flower.


  16. It will take us more than a month to see them but Kingston has so many of them the scent will fill the air .. I can't wait after seeing yours ! LOL

  17. Wow those are absolutely gorgeous. I really need to start working on our small garden/yard. Most of our plants are in pots. This winter we had a lot of hail and gale force winds and a lot of them are looking the wearst for wear and need to be replaced or pruned heavily. The weather is warming up so I should get around to getting some gardening done soon. Fingers crossed ;)

  18. I too wish you had a smell-a-vision! Lilacs bring back so many wonderful memories growing up at my grandmothers home. She had two huge plants planted next to each other which offered the perfect fort. We would lay in their on the grass forwever:-) I bet your yard is spectacular right now. We are going to reach 70 this weekend and it is beautiful! No snow until Monday....:)
    They are on my planting list this year.

    Thanks for spring hope!

  19. Hi Cindy! I love the picture of the lilacs. We never had lilacs in West Texas but I have seen it here in San Antonio. My fruit trees are doing well and surviving and thriving..(mmiracle) and I've been thinking of getting a small rose bush and see how I do with that.

    Oh and before I forget;

    On Saturday March 21st I Will Be Celebrating My 200th Post. Be Sure To Leave Me A Comment Requesting To Be Entered In My Giveaway! You Have Until Saturday, March 21st 11:59 p.m Central Time. I Will Enter Your Name Five Times For The Drawing So Hurry And Leave Me A Comment! I Will Be Announcing The Winner On Sunday March 22nd at 1:00p.m. Central Time.

    Good Luck!
    Deanna :D

  20. I wish you had smell-a-vision too Cindy! Those look so gorgeous & I bet they smell heavenly when you are out in the garden. Hope you had a productive day!

  21. Ours won't be in bloom for another two months! But as always, well worth the wait.

  22. Yes ma'am, the smell of lilacs is one of the best! Ours won't bloom until May, but the buds are swelling and have been for a few weeks! Yay!


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