
The Birth of a Workshop

There are some garden projects that fall into the "weekend warrior" category where you can complete them in a day or two, and then sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labors. I have plenty of those mostly because I divide up my big mongo projects into smaller increments so I can enjoy a sense of satisfaction along the way. I subscribe to the old adage, "What's the best way to eat an elephant? A bite at a time."

Because of this, many of you have been following the progress of the back garden for well over a year. For a quick refresher of what has transpired, you can click on the following links and take the quick journey:

Before and After: The Drainage Project
If I Had a Hammer... (actually I have two!)
Houston, The Shed Has Landed!
You know you've been working hard when...

After all the sledgehammer wielding and rock throwing, I ended up with a number of raised planters made from recycled chunks of concrete as well as some retaining walls made from the same materials. It was time to get down to business and prep the site for my "Dream Workshop".

The first order of business was to call the landscape guys and have 6 cubic yards of pea gravel delivered to our driveway. And the second order of business was to shovel that pea gravel into the wheelbarrow and haul it one wheelbarrow at a time to the back garden. Here's what almost 6 cubic yards of pea gravel looks like (I'd already started taking loads back when I realized I ought to take a picture)...

After the first day of hauling gravel, the site started to take shape. I learned the best load for me to haul in the wheelbarrow consisted of 20 shovels full of gravel.

After speaking with the installer that would be constructing the workshop, it was decided that I should leave the last section of concrete pad for stability and put pea gravel on top of it. That was fine by me! It meant I didn't have wield my sledgehammer anymore.

By the end of the second day of hauling gravel, the site was really begin to fill in...

After a few more days (5 calendar days in total), the site was completely filled in with all the gravel. It looked exactly how I had pictured it in my head...

There was also enough gravel for me to complete the rest of the drainage area that I put in last year...
With the gravel all in, it all looked seamless--exactly how I'd envisioned...

We only had to wait a couple of days more for the installer to come and put in the workshop. Interestingly, as he was putting it up and getting the shingles on it started to rain for the first time in weeks. He continued to work through the sprinkles and by sundown the workshop was up.

Although I still needed to paint it, I was more than happy to take a couple of days off while it rained.

Once the rain let up, I had to get a floor covering down so we could move all the tools out of the garage in preparation for the foundation work that would commence--in two days. I had one Saturday to get the floor in and the stuff moved before the crew was coming. We chose nice peel-and-stick vinyl floor tiles that look like ceramic tile. I got 100 sq. ft. down in a few hours.

As angry looking clouds gathered overhead, we hastily moved all the tools from the garage. Miraculously, the dark clouds never dropped any rain on us. It was a huge blessing, and I was able to get all the tools organized in their new home by the time it grew dark and chilly outside.

All that work made Sunday's day of rest, even more sweet and special than it usually is. Both of us had nice long naps after church.

Monday came, and it was time to paint. So while the foundation crew was jackhammering and digging around the house to re-level the foundation on the 1961 addition, I had to climb up on the roof of the new workshop and paint the cupola first (easier said than done). Hubby spotted me on the ladder and handed me things, while I maneuvered around on the steep pitch of the roof on my belly while avoiding the two skylights and the ridge vent. The roof pitch sure didn't seem that steep from the ground. It was tricky, but I did it! Whew! Never again will I do that!

Then I tackled the rest of the painting which was far easier. Over the past few days of this week, I've managed to get the front and one side painted with two coats on the trim and the body. With the front done, I thought it was about time I photographed it and debuted it here for all to see!

With an adorable little double-hung operating window, I can open it for ventilation. And the window box is all ready for me to plant some annuals for color. I wonder what I'll plant first... maybe some pansies or some violas.


  1. What a journey! How wonderful it will be. Keep us posted of what you plan to plant first.

    Thanks for the snaps -- fun to catch a glimpse of all that hard work.

  2. That is an extremely adorable shed! Very quaint indeed.

  3. What fun! I love it and I know you're going to love working there!

  4. Beautiful... you know I just LOVE the butter yellow you are using! What a happy face your shed has!

  5. Impressive. Love the yellow. Can't wait to see the area planted up.

  6. You are amazing! And your little house is adorable! I love it!

  7. Very cute! It's no small task to haul 6 yards of gravel anywhere. It will be fun to see it with the planted window box and summer color in the yard.

  8. What a lot of work that was with carting all that gravel around but it was worth it!

    Your workshop looks great with that pretty new coat of paint. And now the fun bit starts, planting up that window box! That's something that I enjoy doing for my garden cottage every year.

  9. Enjoy the fruits of your labor and choosing plants for your window box ... I'm amazed!

  10. It looks like it should be a guest house, not a workshop. I think it's adorable and I love the sunny yellow colour you've given it. Cute, cute, cute!

  11. It's beautiful and I so enjoyed watching it all come together. Isn't it fun to work with your hubby on projects! My husband and I built a shed a couple of years ago and loved it. Can't wait to see your flowers in that cute window box!

  12. Enjoy your new building! I loved watching it go up and everything coming together. Show us pics when the flowers start blooming!

  13. Cindy, that is a most adorable workshop! You have done an incredible amount of work. I can't wait to see the flower box planted! Love it!

  14. Wonderful work Cindy! The workshop looks so sweet. I am in awe of it's tidiness.

    Sympathies when I was painting the gable end of this house it was tricky. But if you want a tricky job doing, ask a woman. :-)

  15. You are amazing. I am so glad I can look through pictures at your creations! TALENTED should be your middle name! I miss you so much!!!!

  16. I love tour charming work shoppe! I like pansies because they are so soft and beautiful. One of the most gently blooms and I always look for them. Perhaps this spring I shall plant some on our balcony. We just relocated from 4,800 SF to 1,500 SF, from house to condo and it is space well used. We have a loft with five skylights and a view of a small mountain. The loft, like your work shoppe is a cool place to be. Hope you enjoy it every bit as much as you hope. P.S. We are a full family with eight darling (well most of the time) kitties. They rule and we provide room service. HA.


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