
We know it's Christmas-time when...

...we find the kitties cuddling and huddling close together because of the chill in the air.

Sometimes they are cuddling in front of the fire...

Dee Dee (left) and Suzette (right)

Sometimes we find them huddling on some interesting surface pretending that a lamp is the sun shining through a window...

Left to right: Thomasina, Dee Dee, and Gus Gus

And sometimes it's just one big kitty pile-up..

Gus Gus (left) and Dee Dee (right)


  1. Your cats are just so cute......

    Have a wonderful Christmas.....

  2. What a fun kitty pile-up! What peace...what bliss..what friendship!

  3. Oh, I DO love these cuddling kitty! I like that you've added a vignette to them. Very nice. I especially love the kitty-pile picture with Gus-Gus on top... what a silly!!

  4. They look so cozy all snuggle in together. Love the names you chose, especially "Suzette". So pretty!

  5. I know your kitties are the cutest!

  6. So sweet Cindy! the hounds have been like that too. I was so suprised to see Precious's head lying on Angel's thigh as this doesn't happen often. I think Angel must be mellowing for the season- good will to even Precious. LOL

    Gus Gus looks like such a rebel with his pose compared to the other's neatness.

  7. I can't resist a snoozy cat...which is how they look 90% of the time, right? I think it's really lovely that they all curl up together like that. Very sweet.

  8. Soooooo cute! Do you have just the four or should I start calling you The Cat Lady? These are clearly well loved and cared for kitties. My little bichon frise won't go out to do her business these days. She'll scratch on the door but when I open it, she give me this Look and slowly backs away. We have snow on our mountains! Very exciting!

  9. Relaxing to see cats all snuggled up together. I especially like Dee Dee...

  10. Your family of kitties are adorable! Their antics make me smile.

    Merry Christmas my friend and may you feel his sprirt and his love this Christmas season.


  11. They are simply adorable, each and every one of them. BTW it must have been Christmas for a loooooong time here as my kitties have been snuggling up for months now. ;-)

  12. Oh Cindy that is so cute and sweet!
    Merry Christmas!
    Anna :)

  13. I can hear them purring now! What a cute pile of furry cuddliness!


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