
If the fire is burning, the cat will be there

If the fire is burning, the cat will be there

As soon as I build a fire, Suzette plants herself in front of it. This is a regular ritual. When I have to throw another log on the fire and tend to it, I often have to maneuver around her because she won't give up her post. The ironic thing is that she's our cat with the thickest fur.


  1. It's 39 degrees here today. If I had a fire, I'd be kicking Suzette out of that warm spot and taking it myself!!!

  2. In my previous home, we had a beautiful fireplace and our cat used to sleep right on the bright hearth, never minding the occasional spark that escaped the doors or screen. :) She loved the heat.

  3. O'Kay I am laughing... because I left a comment in a new format on flicker:)!!!! Because this page did not open up. Please check it out. I am not sure how to get there and gopy and paste. But I did sigh up for my own account so I could leave you a message.I left an award and a link for you on my blog:) I do love the picture.

  4. Maybe she really likes the ambiance of a nice warm and toasty fire:)

  5. Ahhhh wish I was right there with her, looks so cozy! Great picture. I've just discovered your blog and am going to go poke around!

  6. My beagle does the same thing, lol. She lays right on the hearth though. :)

  7. Cindy,
    In our previous house we had a woodstove in the family room and our yorkie used to sleep under it when we had a fire going. Suzette looks very happy!

  8. OMG, this made me laugh! I can totally relate. My guys, in particular, Bear, who has a lot of fur, will snug right up to the glass door on my fireplace and toast himself. I'm waiting for him to self-combust one of these days. I can't blame him though, I love the warmth, myself.

    That's a great photo! I really love the totally hedonistic expression & pose.

  9. How cozy she looks! I guess we all enjoy the warmth and glow of a good blaze.

    Strangely, I have a friend who used to lie on the couch under a tensor lamp, to give her that cozy feeling of warmth!

  10. How cozy she looks! I guess we all enjoy the warmth and glow of a good blaze.

    Strangely, I have a friend who used to lie on the couch under a tensor lamp, to give her that cozy feeling of warmth!

  11. How cosy!!! What a beautiful cat!

    Love Annie

  12. Ah Suzette... so cozy and contented, I can just imagine you purring warmly...

  13. ahhh... thanks for the smile :)

  14. Ah, so sweet. That's pretty much how I would look in front of a fire too, lol!

  15. This scene looks so familiar to me, Cindy. As soon as the wood burner is on the whole Bliss team sits in front of it and feels all comfy and toasty. And I've noticed that puppy Tara likes it too.

    BTW I haven't said a thing about youknowwhat to your hubby, it will remain our little secret. ;-)

    Give Suzette a little kiss from me on her pretty little nosy.

  16. The title is so true! Funnily enough, Rani is lying next to the fire right now! The only difference is that ours is a gas fire.

    Suzette looks really comfortable there...I wish I could join her!

    Hugs from Meg and cats xxx

  17. Suzette is a beautiful girl and spoiled too - just as it should be.

  18. Awwwwww...what sweet repose. I love the innocence of sleep. All the cares forgotten in the joy of a wee nap.

    I haven't started our fireplace yet this season, but our Miss Kitty will lay on the ottoman nearby, stretched from stem to stern as if to soak in the heat. She'll come and fetch me when she wants me to turn it on (ours is a natural gas one)....

    So, thanks for sharing that wonderful photo.

  19. Oh what a peaceful, beautiful photo. Suzette has the right idea and if I could spend the entire winter just like that, I would.

  20. She almost looks like my Bobby! Kiss her for us.


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