
Autumn Medley

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  1. These are beautiful but we are pretty hard up here in California, aren't we? It makes me a bit sad that we don't have the color here they have in other places but then I think about the fact that it is a week before Thanksgiving and I took my kid to the park in the dark at 7 PM and it was just right. Nice!

  2. The other cool thing about living here in our area is that if I really am dying to see autumn color, I just drive about 3 1/2 hours north to logging country and I get it in all its glory. But when it snows up there, I'm down here with roses and daffodils in my garden on Christmas Day. Can't beat that! :)

  3. Wonderful autumn medley of color today Cindy! You are lucky that you can just take a short jaunt to see some of this fall splendor!

  4. One of my favourite things about Autumn is the change in colour of the trees especially on a crisp sunny day. Beautiful photos, Cindy!

    And I love ladybirds too!

    Hugs from Meg and cats xxx

  5. Oh my, that rose is just to die for. If I could take photos like that I would be a very happy woman :)

  6. What great photos my leaves are all most gone now, so sad....


  7. So pretty Cindy. I am still enjoying some colour here in the UK but I can feel Winter's hand already.

  8. Cindy-what great photos! I love pics of leaves!! I hear you about going a few hours and there is snow, etc. and then back at your home flowers are blooming. The weather here in Charlotte is kind of like that. We don't have roses always blooming at Christmastime but sometimes we do. If I drive to the mountains of NC there is usually snow or it is cold there. I love it!!

  9. Maybe I am repeating myself, again. But those are lovely Cindy!



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