
October Blooms Around Rosehaven Cottage

Since the garden has decided to act like it's spring instead of fall, I decided to just embrace it, photograph it, and share it.

Just last week I commented on Jeanette's photo of her wild iris that I haven't been able to get a good photo of ours that look the same (we call them "fortnight lilies", but I'm probably wrong on that). Then yesterday, I was surprised to find that ours was blooming again. The autumnal light made shooting the white flower much easier than it usually is and I was very pleased to finally have a photo that shows its lovely contours.

The "Gold Medal" rose lives right by the "fortnight lily" (please correct me if I'm getting this wrong), and the older pale yellow blooms looked stunning against the blue sky. I didn't doctor this photo in post-processing either. This is how the photo was shot. I love how the blooms of the "Gold Medal" change colors throughout their life. It makes for a multi-shaded display all on one bush.

The blue sky also looked great over my lovely purple roses that look a lot like "Angel Face" but aren't (the tag fell off this one so now it's a mystery rose). This thing is SO tall right now! The blooms at the top of the canes are about 7 feet tall. I shot this at my full height of 5 foot 2 looking up at them. And I didn't doctor this photo in post-processing either.

I moved to the back garden to look for more photographing opportunities and found many. Probably the only flowers that I expect to see in my October garden are residing in the back. One of the blooms I love in autumn is the diminutive "Cardinal Climber" from the ipomoea (Morning Glory) family. Each scarlet bloom is less than 1 inch in diameter yet they have such detail.

The honeybees and bumblebees are loving all the October flowers. The newly blooming "Cosmos" were being visited by a honeybee or two.

But the majority of the pollinator activity was occurring on the other side of the back garden at the "Pineapple Sage" (from the salvia family) that is in full bloom with its scarlet trumpets. One big fat black bumblebee buzzed from blossom to blossom so quickly that it was hard to photograph it. I did get a couple of good shots, thankfully. I wonder if the nectar tastes like pineapple as much as the leaves smell like pineapple...

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  1. Wonderful that you have a great abundance of flora and fauna to shoot, and I am glad. As you know, we are getting to the bottom of the barrel in terms of subject matter. Oh well soon it will be sticks, and raindrops.

    Great photos like always. Don't you wish that we all lived next door to each other, we could go on little photo shoots together....
    But this is the next best thing.

  2. Oh, Cindy, you have such beautiful flowers... but even more such beautiful photographs. You truly have an artistic eye. I love the short depth-of-field that is particularly evident on the the Cardinal Climber. Very very nice

    Love you,

  3. Beautiful photos Cindy. I love your rose ones especially the purple one. I'm trying to think of the name of a new purple rose that someone wasselling at the flower show here. I think it involved the word "Fragrant" and something to do with purple but don't uote me. It had a strongly scented flower that looked like yours.

    Aww bees- I've been mean and cut back the last of the lavender. I hope they find more plants. It's butterflies that could drive me to tears trying to photograph them! :-)

  4. Gorgeous!! They might be called fortnight irises there... here's they're wild irises because they're indigenous to South Africa.

  5. Hi Cindy the yellow berries are yellow pyracantha (firethorn). the reds are the ones more usually seen you also get orange.

    I've just put up some unusual pics of the costume I've just finished, modelled by daughter at dusk. I'm amazed at what my camera came up with.

  6. What beautiful pictures, I love to see everyone's flowers in their gardens. They are all so beautiful!

  7. The only thing still blooming my garden are my Knock Out Roses, zinnias, and mums. Love seeing photos of yours!

  8. Beautiful photos - fantastic flowers and of course roses Cindy!
    I celebrate 100 posts and have a little giveaway at Annalunda - don´t miss it!

    Hugs Annie

  9. Seroiusly would love to see your garden...and I miss mine. It's all ugly and brown by now...poor babies. :(

  10. You have some great blooms in your garden at the moment Cindy. I love the abundance of roses you seem to have in your garden & they all look so lush & healthy. That Wild Iris is a looker, great picture. :)

  11. Pretty pictures and flowers!

    I had a dream about you and your husband (I think?) the other night. I'm not sure if it was you guys, actually, but I was visiting your house in CA, and it was on the beach. There was some kind of problem and you needed me to leave. That's all I remember.

  12. Those are really gorgeous blossoms, especially for so late in the year. Gotta love their tenacity!

  13. So lovely! It is joy to visit your blog!



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