
Last Harvest

Today marked the last harvest of tomatoes for the year, as it was time for me to pull the plants out and get on with moving the dirt and planter box to a new location. The last harvest of the summer vegetables is always bittersweet, particularly when it's been a low-yield summer like this one has been.

Interestingly, the pole beans that gave us beans in fits and spurts throughout the summer had a sizable crop to pick. AND the vines are still sending out blossoms. Since I don't have to move the planter they are in, I'm going to leave them in and, hopefully, we'll get another nice crop in time for Thanksgiving in November.

The last cucumber was picked even though it is as huge as a zucchini. Left forgotten under a large leaf, the thing is out of control. I think Hubby may try to use it anyway.

And the current crop of lemons on the Eureka lemon tree are starting to ripen so we were able to put a couple in the harvest basket so they can be used to make the vinaigrette for the bean and tomato salad Hubby will probably make with this basket full of produce. I think we've got enough beans that we can freeze some to use over the winter. That would be really nice.

Tomorrow I'm going to photograph the latest garden wonder that I discovered while we were harvesting that has left me really scratching my head. Stay tuned...

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  1. Oh, oh, oh! I want your lemons! Do you know how much lemons are?! It's ridiculous. Almost a dollar for a lemon. Phht.

  2. What a lovely last harvest Cindy. You are lucky to still have tomatoes in October.

  3. What a bountiful home harvest. Mine was apples this year. Most people I've spoken to have said how well their apples have done but poorly for raspberries. I think it is just one of those nature variations of climate that is good for some things but bad for others. Perhpas it's similar for you?

    Now I'm agoggle with curiosity about your next post. :-)

  4. Your last harvest looks yummy. What is your husbands bean and tomato salad recipe? That sounds great!

    Looking forward to the discovery...

  5. Our season of warm weather gardening is so done.
    But the poor beans that I have left forgotton in the garden patch are bravely struggling on. Little do they know that their days are numbered.

  6. Beautiful harvest basket... I use a ice cream bucket or my newly purchased red dish pan! I also pulled out my tomato plants yesterday, but because of freezing. I've hung them in the shed and "they" tell me that the remaining tomatoes will ripen.
    Love you,

  7. You have still got tomatoes....amazing.....


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