
Endless Summer and Yearning for Autumn

Jodi at bloomingwriter left a comment on the last post saying that she's "not feeling the love for autumn just yet... but that's probably because I'm still waiting for summer." I have to say that I'm having exactly the opposite problem here... summer won't leave! I'm holed up inside the house again today (and was yesterday) while the temperature outside is 86F (30C) with a dew point hovering just under 60F. Yuck! All this humidity and heat is not normal for the 7th of October. Hubby even said, "What's the point of living in the Bay Area if we don't even get the cool breezes at night?!?!" Poor Hubby. I've told him that I will make sure the words on his tombstone read, "It was the humidity" because he threatens to expire every time it's hot and humid.

So this endless summer we're having is probably why I've been spending so much time working on photos that I took LAST October. I've been post-processing a lot of them with the new tools I have (which I didn't have a year ago) and creating lovely autumnal scenes that I wish and wish were real. Then I post my latest creation on my Etsy store, turn and look out at the deceiving autumnal light that shines out in the garden and makes me think it's really cool enough to go out and "play" with my sledgehammer. I sigh and turn back to the computer to start working on another photo from last year.

I have to admit that I did do some work on some non-autumn photos. And interestingly enough, I didn't have nearly as much fun or feel as inspired and "alive" when I did them as when I work on the autumnal scenes. Weird, isn't it? And the non-autumn ones are nice too. It's so bizarre how much my soul wants reminders of cooling off at this time of year instead of reminders of warm days.

Of course, I can't complain too much because thanks to this extended summer my roses have all decided to have a third major bloom for the year and look fantastic. But instead of posting photos of the roses, I'm posting photos of the autumn I'm yearning to have. I'm such a silly discontented woman, aren't I?

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  1. Hia Cindy- beautiful photos. These past few days have felt like Winter here- vey wet and windy. We didn't have a Summer and Autumn was so short. Already I'm using the laminated rose mats on the table. I know come Winter I'll want everyone in Hawaiian shirts and in Winter -shorts.

    I'll join you in the discontented corner where we can be grumpy old women together. LOL

  2. Cindy, you sound like I felt last week. Finally, a little cool down showed up. The temperatures in the evening are down to the 50's and 60's. To those of us in Texas, this is right down chilly. Hope you get some cooler weather soon.


  3. That photo of the barn is like a Currier & Ives! Gorgeous, and very much like what we see around here. You are one talented lady, girlfriend.

  4. After spending 20 years in Florida, where we had two seasons....tourist season and not tourist season, I relish the 4 seasons here in NC. I feel really fortunate to be experiecing fall at it's best right now.

  5. Hi Cindy,
    What beautiful photos! What talent you have. Simply love "Last Red Leaf".

    I want to thank you for your inspiring comments about my rescue horse. Each day with him is a gift, and he is going to make it.

  6. Hi Cindy,

    Autumn still hasn't come?! Hope it arrives for you soon. It is definitely Autumn here...we have been down to 3 degrees Celius, the leaves are turning to yellow, orange and red, the ground is covered with fallen leaves and there has been frost and fog.
    Please can we have a bit of your summer?! :) It is freezing here and we are piling on the jumpers, socks and fleeces.

    I LOVE your Autumn photographs. That first one of the field and the barn, I can just imagine Tia bounding up and down in the field. She loves fields.

    Hope everyone is well, hugs from Meg and cats xxx

  7. Lovely photos! I hope you find autumn soon.
    Love you-

  8. Beautiful photographs...I love them.....

    our weather is at the moment perfect....cold at night.....around 16C (64F) during the I am able to get on with a lot of gardening projects....hope is cools down for you soon.....

  9. Some people have too much summer others hardly any, it's not fair, is it? ;-) Why is it we usually want what we don't have?


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