
Okay... where's a box big enough for me too!

I was working in my studio last night while Hubby was out helping someone with a PC emergency. I was keeping myself busy by creating some digital scrapbooking layouts and backgrounds just for the heck of it. When Hubby came home, he came into my studio to give me a kiss "hello" and said, "Did you see this?"

I turned around to find Thomasina just as you see her above. She's such a tiny thing that she can remained precariously perched in that storage box that is balancing on my art box. What a silly kitty!

Today, I feel like doing the very same thing if I could find a box big enough for me.

I was so excited about the scrapbooking layouts I was making last night. When I finish each one, I put them up on Flickr so digital scrapbookers can download them for free--to create and enjoy them however they choose. I always post an announcement on my studio blog of anything I add to the Flickr downloads. My Auntie is an avid and VERY talented digital scrapbooker, so I do a lot of this for her and her digital scrapbooking buddies. At her suggestion, I went over to a sharing message board at a digital scrapbooking site called Jessica Sprague to share. I've posted once in August when I thought the group over there would appreciate a chicken wire background I created. Yesterday, I created a digital scrapbooking background called "Autumnal Thanksgiving". So I went over to the message board and posted to let people know it was out there.

Well, I should know better than to frequent any message board. It seems that no matter where it is, message boards end up being places of controversy, intrigue, rudeness and/or pettiness. I never should have ventured into another one.

But I did. And now I'm sorry.

I received the worst thing a poster can receive on that message board--a warning email from the site owner's husband, Jared. For some reason someone reported me as violating the forum rules below (according to Jared):
"If you are a designer or owner of a digital store, please do not post new threads about the products you sell. This is not a place for free advertising, but a place to share and learn.

"...if your posts become 'all about ads' and not about contributing to the community, you'll be warned and then banned. We love enablement, and we love to hear about specific products you're excited about, but nobody loves a shill. I think we can tell the difference."

"As of right now, posting about freebies (on sites and on blogs) is OK with limits (i.e. the link must actually take you directly to the place where you can preview and download the file)..."
Well, I've been the author of two posts. I'm not selling anything, because: a) I'm not a professional scrapbooking designer; and b) I don't have an online store selling digital scrapbooking stuff!

I'm just a dumb idiot that thought it was okay to go on a message board and say, "Hey, everybody! I made a really cool thing. If you want to download it for free go ahead!"

Stupid me... now where's that box...

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  1. Hi Cindy,

    Haha. I was just commenting on Leanne's blog (Somerset Seasons) saying "what is it with cats and bags/boxes!?!". It always make me chuckle to see a cat in a box. I remember at our old house, Smudge desparately squeezed himself into a plantpot...and squashed the plants! It was really funny because he is a big cat and to see him curled up tightly in a small plant pot, I couldn't help but laugh! :)

    As for the message boards, I'm afraid I stay well clear of them. As you say they can be places of controversy and rudeness. Clearly, they don't know what they are missing out on!!

    Hugs from Meg and cats xxx
    P.S. You're not a dumb idiot

  2. You're not an idiot. Some people are just rude, don't take it personally. :) That's why I avoid message boards, too much controversy for my taste.

  3. What a lovely blog and wonderful post.

  4. Cindy,

    I am so sorry your HUGE heart got shot down by some dude's misunderstanding. I have never been to a message I haven't any first hand experience. I thik I am going to stay away....:)
    Miss Thomasina looked mighty cute! Have a great evening! You are awesome to try to share.
    Big Hugs, Beth

  5. Your kitty is darling.

    Sorry about the message board madness. I have learned from several other bloggers that they can be less than positive places to go, so I stay away.

  6. Cute kitty...I think somebody was having a bad night and it wasn't you! We can only control our own reactions and not those of others....let it slide off your back....


  7. Cindy,
    Your kitty looks so cute in that box~so kind of you to share :)

    Sorry about your experience with the message board ..


  8. What a cute kitty! As for the forum post for which you were warned, they really ought to read the "offending" posts before judging them so. Your post sounds perfectly nice and was a generous offer to freely share your work.

  9. Good balancing, Thomasina!

    I hope you do not feel sad about the big meanie on the message board.

  10. Thomasina, you look so cute in the box.

    We hope your Mom isn't too upset about the meanie on the message board. My Mom really appreciates your Mom's sharing her work. She is going to see if she can't do something with the Rustic Rose scrapebook page and our pictures. We will be sure to show you IF she ever gets it done. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

  11. I'm sure she thinks she fits in that box just fine. My cats are always trying to fit their big bodies into boxes or whatever I sit on the floor.


  12. Have you ever visited I know you are trying to stay clear of message boards from now on, but I LOVE them. Unless that was the one you got shot down at, then I HATE THEM.

    I too am starting to debate the value of some message boards. I'm on one right now that is helping me with my sourdough starter, but I've given up on their religious section - who knew my fellow Christians could be so unChristian?

    OK, nmow I'm babbling on your blog...sorry....


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